
#698 Clean Up trunk/src/ontology/branches


Our trunk/src/ontology/branches directory in Subversion contains a confusing assortment of old files. It should only contain source files for the current development version of OBI.

These files should remain:

  • catalog-v001.xml
  • doap.template
  • external-byhand.owl
  • external.owl
  • externalDerived.owl
  • obi.owl

These files should be deleted (SVN will retain copies in its history):

  • ExpDesign.owl
  • IEDB-use-case.owl
  • IEDB-use-case.pprj
  • IEDB-use-case.repository
  • QTT_ERO_NIF__function_device_final.owl
  • QTT_ERO_NIF__function_device_final.pprj
  • QTT_ERO_NIF__function_device_final.repository
  • catalog.xml
  • crux-staging.owl
  • investigation-use-case.lisp
  • investigation-use-case.owl
  • investigation-use-case.pprj
  • investigation-use-case.repository
  • ncbitaxon-mireot.owl
  • obi-MO.owl
  • obi-edit.owl
  • obi-edit.pprj.template
  • obi-edit.repository.template
  • obi-owl-full.owl
  • obi.pprj.template
  • obi.repository.template
  • obi_rc1.0_release_notes.txt
  • obim.owl
  • obimd.owl
  • obimi.owl
  • obims.owl
  • org-proto.owl
  • quality-assurance.owl
  • text-mining-experiment.owl
  • webService.owl

Alternatively, if there is a better home for some of these files, they can be moved (using svn move ... to retain history).


  • James A. Overton

    The directories OntoFox_inputs and OntoFox_outputs should remain.

  • James A. Overton

    I was wrong about these two files:

    • external.owl
    • externalDerived.owl

    We're not using them anymore in obi.owl and they should be removed.

    This new merged file is badly broken and should be removed:

    • obi_dev_merged.owl

    I don't see the point of external-by-hand.owl anymore. The contents should be merged into obi.owl and the the file should be removed.

    The only files that belong are:

    • catalog-v001.xml
    • doap.template
    • obi.owl
    • OntoFox_inputs
    • OntoFox_outputs
  • James A. Overton

    Discussed on the OBI call 2014-03-17.

    Jie previously made a list of files and their uses (attached). She would prefer to keep external-byhand.owl instead of merging it into obi.owl, so it will not be removed.

    I will email the OBI list to explain that we are planning to remove or move these files, and asking OBI developers to reply with their objections or suggestions for new homes before March 31st.

    I will create a README file to explain what all the remaining files are for and where to find the moved and removed files in Subversion.


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