
New Stable Release Out

  • Dennis Wachira

    Dennis Wachira - 2011-12-24

    Hello, Open Baraza HRMS Has a stable release out.

  • Kanyi

    Kanyi - 2015-08-09

    Hello, I have downloaded the stable release, I have noted I cannot add more than 5 employees, is this an error or is it intetional. Kindly update.

    Thank you

  • Dennis Wachira

    Dennis Wachira - 2015-08-09

    You can increase the limit run the query
    UPDATE orgs SET employee_limit = 1000, transaction_limit = 1000000;

    • eric bugs

      eric bugs - 2020-01-07


      What is currently the max number of employee entry that it can handle? is it DB dependent? or application has also its limits?


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