
Open Business Engine 1.0 Released

Good Day All,

I am pleased to announce that as of 21st June, 2006 the final GA build of OBE-1.0 is available.

The most significant differences from the OBE-1.0RC1 build are as follows:
- cleanup and re-coding following an extensive automated code inspection courtesy of IntelliJ's excellent IDEA-5.1.2 Java IDE.
- HTML documentation reformatted to eliminate superfluous whitespace.
- Enhanced animated graphics in doc header.
- Integrated Torque for generating database-specific DDL. Should minimize DB porting issues.
- Moved SPI runtime model interfaces and package validator to obeclient-api.jar to allow system attributes to be referenced via OUT and INOUT parameters in XPDL.
- NewEmployee workflow now sets process name to that of the associated employee; layout & graphic regenerated using JaWE-2.0.4.
- Migrated JSF Worklist to MyFaces-1.1.3 + various cleanups & enhancements.
- WorkflowEngine now prevents state changes for work items and activities whose containing entity is suspended.

Good luck and best regards,

Adrian Price
Architect & Lead
The Open Business Engine
"tenax propositi, altiora peto"

Posted by Adrian Price 2006-06-21

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