
OpenLink AJAX Toolkit / News: Recent posts

Announcing OpenLink AJAX Toolkit (OAT) v2.8

OpenLink Software are pleased to announce release 2.8 of the OpenLink AJAX Toolkit (OAT).

This release includes a new RDF browser application - now embeddable in webpages - and updates to the iSPARQL application.

There are enhancements and updates to the APIs for a++, Anchor, Dereference, Grid, Notify, RDFstore and RDFtabs, Tagcloud, Timeline, Tree, WebDav and Win. Google Maps API has been updated. The demonstrations use these new APIs and all the documentation is updated.... read more

Posted by Tim Haynes 2008-03-20

Announcing OpenLink AJAX Toolkit (OAT) v2.7

OpenLink Software are pleased to announce release 2.7 of the OpenLink AJAX Toolkit (OAT).

This release includes the following new features:

  • a new OAT.Win API / style
  • a new Linked Data Resource save option for physical and virtual RDF Graphs from DESCRIBE or CONSTRUCT based iSPARQL Queries
  • support for multiple protocol schemes: lsid, doi, oai, and urn alongside http
  • more demonstrations... read more
Posted by Tim Haynes 2007-12-12

Announcing OpenLink AJAX Toolkit (OAT) v2.6

OpenLink Software are pleased to announce release 2.6 of the OpenLink AJAX Toolkit (OAT).

This release includes the following:

New Semantic Data Web Technologies

  • Javascript-based Fresnel processor enabling declarative RDF-based display templates for RDF Data Sources. This the very first implementation of a Core Fresnel Vocabulary & Extensions processor for Javascript.
  • An XSLT template for producing HTML pages from the Fresnel processor's XML output
  • Interactive Query Builder for SPARQL (iSPARQL). This version of the iSPARQL application includes support for INSERTs and DELETEs.
  • Enhanced Javascript-based N3/Turtle parser
  • New Navigator UI for the OAT RDF Browser amongst other fixes and enhancements... read more
Posted by Tim Haynes 2007-08-01

Announcing OpenLink AJAX Toolkit (OAT) v2.5

OpenLink Software are pleased to announce release 2.5 of the OpenLink AJAX Toolkit (OAT).

This new version of OAT adds an SVG-based visual SPARQL Query builder ("iSPARQL") to the rich collection of OAT-based applications. It also includes aesthetic enhancements to the OAT RDF Browser such as a "Navigator" viewer panel alongside new features such as an 'RDF-mini' mode comprising dynamic dock-able RDF data channels.... read more

Posted by Tim Haynes 2007-06-27

Announcing OpenLink AJAX Toolkit (OAT) v2.4

OpenLink Software are pleased to announce release 2.4 of the OpenLink AJAX Toolkit (OAT).

This release introduces a greatly enhanced RDF Browser application (with new image & navigation tab, search, complete permalinks, map geocoding); AJAX security enhancements (via JSON traps and shared cookie-based secret) and a completely rewritten DAV Browser (now displaying permissions and owner).

Other features include:... read more

Posted by Tim Haynes 2007-05-22

Announcing OpenLink AJAX Toolkit (OAT) v2.3

OpenLink Software are pleased to announce release 2.3 of the OpenLink AJAX Toolkit (OAT).
This release introduces the following new features:

  • Enhancements to the RDF Browser: tabs, timeline and map
  • Enhancements to the Pivot table: hiding empty rows/cols, support for totals and subtotals and charts
  • Added DESCRIBE and exception handling support to sparql

For further information, please see: ... read more

Posted by Tim Haynes 2007-03-22

Announcing OpenLink AJAX Toolkit (OAT) v2.2

OpenLink Software are pleased to announce release 2.2 of the OpenLink AJAX Toolkit (OAT).
This release introduces the following new features:

  • Major improvements to the RDF Browser including sorting, grouping and RDF drill-down,
    browser URL navigation
  • a new OAT AJAX interface for simpler and faster access to frequent AJAX calls
  • a Flash control and Treeview in Formdesigner

For further information, please see: ... read more

Posted by Tim Haynes 2007-02-26

Announcing OpenLink AJAX Toolkit (OAT) v2.1

OpenLink Software are pleased to announce release 2.1 of the OpenLink AJAX Toolkit (OAT).

This release introduces the following new features:

  • Enhanced RDF Parser (includes support for RDF/XML and RDF/N3)
  • New Faceted RDF Data Browser
  • RDF Graph Visualization Control with sidebar for Graph Density manipulation
  • New RSS Reader Control
  • Visual SPARQL Query Builder added to + Form Designer's Data Source control
  • OpenAjaxAlliance conformance
  • Inter-control messaging system
  • Enhanced Tree and Dock Controls
  • Enhanced Anchor tag that facilitates lookups to SQL, XML, and RDF Data Sources via In Page Activation of Data Driven Web Pages
  • Updated Animation API... read more
Posted by Tim Haynes 2007-02-01

Announcing OpenLink AJAX Toolkit (OAT) v2.0

OpenLink Software are pleased to announce release 2.0 of the OpenLink AJAX Toolkit (OAT).
This release introduces new functions, improved browser support, quicker loading speed and other small bug-fixes.

Major new features:
* Enhanced Anchor tag enabling powerful data-access query (SQL, RDF, XML, and Web Services) lookup integration with word- and/or phrase-based hyperlinks
* Declarative Markup support
* On-demand component loading
* Keyboard shortcuts
* New SVG based widgets: RDF Graph Visualizer, Line chart, Sparklines, Pie chart
* New rounded style of windows
* Connection and DataSource objects for easier use of Ajax Database-Connectivity across SQL, XML, RDF, and other Web Services-based Data Sources
* Advanced Tree widget... read more

Posted by Tim Haynes 2006-12-15