
#1 Provide README file in plain text format


The current README file in PDF file is not readable with the default PDF viewer application on Mac OS X 10.5.8 nor with current Ghostscript (gs, gv) installed via MacPorts. Providing it in an alternative plain text format could help to improve cross-platform usage of your extensions (Inkscape runs on Linux/Windows/Mac OS X) - besides plain text (*.txt) being the usual format for a README file ;-)

Or - since O-Scape is for use in Inkscape - why not distribute it as SVG file (without depending on the custom 'pattern.svg' file) instead of PDF [1]? With regard to the included pattern file: it seems to not include the stock patterns distributed with Inkscape - does the user have to take care of this herself in order not to lose those?

[1] Inkscape does open the Readme PDF file, but in order to read the complete document, the user has to open it 6 times - for each page separately - which is cumbersome (and will not change until the SVG specification supports multi-page documents and then until the new spec will be implemented by Inkscape).


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