
Running with NUnit version greater than 2.2.7

  • Thierry

    Thierry - 2007-04-18

    I'm using Alpha 5. How do I run NUnitForms tests from NUnit.exe when some tests are using a version of nunit.framework other than the one NUnitForms is built against?

    I can run all my NUnitForms unit tests by themselves (that is passing the assembly containing the tests as argument to nunit) so I know I got things right as far as the tests are concerned. The issue comes when I try to run them with other unit tests (that is passing an nunit project containing several test assemblies to nunit), I get a FileLoadException for nunit.framework Version=

    My other unit tests are using a different version of nunit.framework (The latest V2.4). I can't change this.

    The issue seems to be that NUnitForms is built against nunit.framework V2.2.7 (according to Reflector).

    Is NUnitForm intended to be used only with NUnit 2.2.7?

    Thanks in advance, Thierry.

    • Thierry

      Thierry - 2007-04-20

      Finally found a solution to this problem.  Here is a solution in case you run into the same thing.

      The solution was in 2 parts:

      1) Set the option to run each assembly in a separate AppDomain. (NUnit Options/Test Load tab or use /domain=Multiple in the command line)

      2) Upgrade to NUnit 2.4.0-r2 to avoid an obscure error test failure after running all tests(even though all tests passed)

      It would really be nice if we didn't have that dependency to NUnit 2.2.7, but at least there is a work around.
      I guess that means one more vote for integrating it in NUnit.



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