
#23 NetFlow causes segmentation fault on Mandriva 2006


As soon as I had a NetFlow device and restart NTOP it
will crash with a segmentation fault. This is only
happening on Mandriva; on Ubuntu works fine!


Fri Jul 14 14:49:39 2006 NOTE: Interface merge enabled
by default
Fri Jul 14 14:49:39 2006 Initializing gdbm databases
Fri Jul 14 14:49:39 2006 ntop will be started as user
Fri Jul 14 14:49:39 2006 ntop v.3.2.3
Fri Jul 14 14:49:39 2006 Configured on Jul 14 2006
14:40:14, built on Jul 14 2006 14:41:59.
Fri Jul 14 14:49:39 2006 Copyright 1998-2006 by Luca
Deri <>
Fri Jul 14 14:49:39 2006 Get the freshest ntop from
Fri Jul 14 14:49:39 2006 NOTE: ntop is running from 'ntop'
Fri Jul 14 14:49:39 2006 NOTE: (but see warning on man
page for the --instance parameter)
Fri Jul 14 14:49:39 2006 NOTE: ntop libraries are in
Fri Jul 14 14:49:39 2006 Initializing ntop
Fri Jul 14 14:49:39 2006 No patterns to load: protocol
guessing disabled.
Fri Jul 14 14:49:39 2006 Checking eth0 for additional
Fri Jul 14 14:49:39 2006 Added virtual interface: 'eth0:0'
Fri Jul 14 14:49:39 2006 Resetting traffic statistics
for device eth0
Fri Jul 14 14:49:39 2006 DLT: Device 0 [eth0] is 1,
mtu 1514, header 14
Fri Jul 14 14:49:39 2006 Initializing device eth0 (0)
Fri Jul 14 14:49:39 2006 Initializing gdbm databases
Fri Jul 14 14:49:39 2006 VENDOR: Loading MAC address
Fri Jul 14 14:49:39 2006 VENDOR: Checking for MAC
address table file
Fri Jul 14 14:49:39 2006 VENDOR: File
'/usr/local/etc/ntop/specialMAC.txt.gz' does not need
to be reloaded
Fri Jul 14 14:49:39 2006 VENDOR: ntop continues ok
Fri Jul 14 14:49:39 2006 VENDOR: Checking for MAC
address table file
Fri Jul 14 14:49:39 2006 VENDOR: File
'/usr/local/etc/ntop/oui.txt.gz' does not need to be
Fri Jul 14 14:49:39 2006 VENDOR: ntop continues ok
Fri Jul 14 14:49:39 2006 Fingerprint: Loading
signature file
Fri Jul 14 14:49:39 2006 Fingerprint: Checking for
Fingerprint file... file
Fri Jul 14 14:49:39 2006 Fingerprint: Loading file
Fri Jul 14 14:49:39 2006 Fingerprint: ...loaded 1765
Fri Jul 14 14:49:39 2006 ASN: Checking for Autonomous
System Number table file
Fri Jul 14 14:49:39 2006 **WARNING** ASN: Unable to
open file 'AS-list.txt'
Fri Jul 14 14:49:39 2006 I18N: This instance of ntop
does not support multiple languages
Fri Jul 14 14:49:39 2006 IP2CC: Checking for IP
address <-> Country Code mapping file
Fri Jul 14 14:49:39 2006 IP2CC: Loading file
Fri Jul 14 14:49:40 2006 IP2CC: ...found 52395 lines
Fri Jul 14 14:49:40 2006 GDVERCHK: Guessing at libgd
Fri Jul 14 14:49:40 2006 GDVERCHK: ... as 2.0.21+
Fri Jul 14 14:49:40 2006 **ERROR** Failed to connect
to MySQL: Access denied for user 'root'@'localhost'
(using password: NO) [localhost:root::ntop]
Fri Jul 14 14:49:40 2006 Initializing external
Fri Jul 14 14:49:40 2006 THREADMGMT[t3067812784]: NPA:
Started thread for network packet analyzer (eth0)
Fri Jul 14 14:49:40 2006 THREADMGMT[t3067812784]: NPA:
network packet analyzer (packet processor) thread
running [p16205]
Fri Jul 14 14:49:40 2006 THREADMGMT[t3015687088]: NPA:
Started thread for network packet analyzer (eth0:0)
Fri Jul 14 14:49:40 2006 THREADMGMT[t3007294384]: SFP:
Started thread for fingerprinting
Fri Jul 14 14:49:40 2006 THREADMGMT[t2998901680]: SIH:
Started thread for idle hosts detection
Fri Jul 14 14:49:40 2006 THREADMGMT[t2990508976]:
DNSAR(1): Started thread for DNS address resolution
Fri Jul 14 14:49:40 2006 Calling plugin start
functions (if any)
Fri Jul 14 14:49:40 2006 SSL is present but https is
disabled: use -W <https port> for enabling it
Fri Jul 14 14:49:40 2006 THREADMGMT[t2998901680]: SIH:
Idle host scan thread starting [p16205]
Fri Jul 14 14:49:40 2006 THREADMGMT[t3015687088]: NPA:
network packet analyzer (packet processor) thread
running [p16205]
Fri Jul 14 14:49:40 2006 THREADMGMT[t3007294384]: SFP:
Fingerprint scan thread starting [p16205]
Fri Jul 14 14:49:40 2006 THREADMGMT[t2990508976]:
DNSAR(1): Address resolution thread running [p16205]
Fri Jul 14 14:49:40 2006 INITWEB: Initializing web server
Fri Jul 14 14:49:40 2006 INITWEB: Initializing TCP/IP
socket connections for web server
Fri Jul 14 14:49:40 2006 INITWEB: Initialized socket,
port 3000, address (any)
Fri Jul 14 14:49:40 2006 INITWEB: Waiting for HTTP
connections on port 3000
Fri Jul 14 14:49:40 2006 INITWEB: Starting web server
Fri Jul 14 14:49:40 2006 THREADMGMT[t2982116272]:
INITWEB: Started thread for web server
Fri Jul 14 14:49:40 2006 THREADMGMT[t2982116272]: WEB:
Server connection thread starting [p16205]
Fri Jul 14 14:49:40 2006 Listening on [eth0,eth0:0]
Fri Jul 14 14:49:40 2006 Loading Plugins
Fri Jul 14 14:49:40 2006 Note: SIGPIPE handler set
Fri Jul 14 14:49:40 2006 Searching for plugins in
Fri Jul 14 14:49:40 2006 THREADMGMT[t2982116272]: WEB:
Server connection thread running [p16205]
Fri Jul 14 14:49:40 2006 WEB: ntop's web server is now
processing requests
Fri Jul 14 14:49:40 2006 ICMP: Welcome to ICMP Watch.
(C) 1999-2005 by Luca Deri
Fri Jul 14 14:49:40 2006 LASTSEEN: Welcome to Host
Last Seen. (C) 1999 by Andrea Marangoni
Fri Jul 14 14:49:40 2006 NETFLOW: Welcome to
NetFlow.(C) 2002-06 by Luca Deri
Fri Jul 14 14:49:40 2006 PDA: Welcome to PDA. (C)
2001-2005 by L.Deri and W.Brock
Fri Jul 14 14:49:40 2006 RRD: Welcome to Round-Robin
Databases. (C) 2002-06 by Luca Deri.
Fri Jul 14 14:49:40 2006 SNMP: Welcome to SNMP. (C)
2004 by F.Fusco and G.Giardina
Fri Jul 14 14:49:40 2006 SFLOW: Welcome to sFlow.(C)
2002-04 by Luca Deri
Fri Jul 14 14:49:40 2006 XMLDUMP: Welcome to XML data
dump. (C) 2003-2004 by Burton Strauss
Fri Jul 14 14:49:40 2006 Calling plugin start
functions (if any)
Fri Jul 14 14:49:40 2006 NETFLOW: Welcome to the
netFlow plugin
Fri Jul 14 14:49:40 2006 NETFLOW: initializing '2' devices
Fri Jul 14 14:49:40 2006 NETFLOW: createNetFlowDevice(2)
Fri Jul 14 14:49:40 2006 Creating dummy interface,
Fri Jul 14 14:49:40 2006 NETFLOW: initializing deviceId=2
Fri Jul 14 14:49:40 2006 NETFLOW: White list
initialized to ''
Fri Jul 14 14:49:40 2006 NETFLOW: Black list
initialized to ''
Fri Jul 14 14:49:40 2006 Initializing device
NetFlow-device.2 (2)
Fri Jul 14 14:49:40 2006 NETFLOW: createNetFlowDevice
created device 2
Fri Jul 14 14:49:40 2006 RRD: Welcome to the RRD plugin
Fri Jul 14 14:49:40 2006 RRD: Mask for new directories
is 0700
Fri Jul 14 14:49:40 2006 RRD: Mask for new files is 0066
Fri Jul 14 14:49:40 2006 RRD_DEBUG: Parameters:
Fri Jul 14 14:49:40 2006 RRD_DEBUG: dumpInterval
300 seconds
Fri Jul 14 14:49:40 2006 RRD_DEBUG:
dumpShortInterval 10 seconds
Fri Jul 14 14:49:40 2006 RRD_DEBUG: dumpHours 72
hours by 300 seconds
Fri Jul 14 14:49:40 2006 RRD_DEBUG: dumpDays 90
days by hour
Fri Jul 14 14:49:40 2006 RRD_DEBUG: dumpMonths 36
months by day
Fri Jul 14 14:49:40 2006 RRD_DEBUG: dumpDomains no
Fri Jul 14 14:49:40 2006 RRD_DEBUG: dumpFlows no
Fri Jul 14 14:49:40 2006 RRD_DEBUG: dumpHosts no
Fri Jul 14 14:49:40 2006 RRD_DEBUG: dumpInterfaces yes
Fri Jul 14 14:49:40 2006 RRD_DEBUG: dumpMatrix no
Fri Jul 14 14:49:40 2006 RRD_DEBUG: dumpDetail high
Fri Jul 14 14:49:40 2006 RRD_DEBUG: hostsFilter
Fri Jul 14 14:49:40 2006 RRD_DEBUG: rrdPath
Fri Jul 14 14:49:40 2006 RRD_DEBUG: umask 0066
Fri Jul 14 14:49:40 2006 RRD_DEBUG: DirPerms 0700
Fri Jul 14 14:49:40 2006 THREADMGMT: RRD: Started
thread (t3049409456) for data collection
Fri Jul 14 14:49:40 2006 THREADMGMT[t3049409456]: RRD:
Data collection thread starting [p16205]
Segmentation fault


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