
NST Version 18-5413 Released

We are pleased to announce the latest NST release: "NST 18 SVN:5413". This is an interim release which includes all of the NST and Fedora 18 package updates since "2013-Apr-13" rolled into a fresh ISO image. If you are building your own NST YUM repository or have a subscription to the NST PRO YUM repository, you do not need this ISO image. You can simply "yum update" your NST system(s).

Here are some of the highlights for this release:

  • The next generation NST WUI Network Interface Bandwidth Monitor 2 application is available. It includes the following new features and enhancements:
    • Graph Zoom & Pan - Allows for different graph monitor views and fine-grain data rate measurements.
    • Selectable Sample Buffer Size - Allows for the generation of very long duration (i.e., days) monitoring graphs.
    • Data Rate Buffering - Allows for data rate capture while a monitor is paused.
    • Archive & Loading - Allows for historical review or data analysis from a monitor collected on a different NST system.
    • Monitor Snapshotting - Generate a Read-Only bandwidth monitoring graph clone for quick data rate measurements.
    • Trigger Event Graph Color - Create a Visual Alarm Display when a defined trigger event occurs.
    • Trigger Event Snapshot - Create a Monitor Snapshot each time a defined trigger event occurs.
    • Monitor Appearance - Customize the look of each monitoring graph.
    • An NST WUI Network Interface Bandwidth Monitor 2 screenshot is shown here monitoring Network Interface: "p1p1" with the Ruler Measurement Tool enabled.
  • Integrated the next generation ntop application: "ntopng" into the NST WUI. Ntopng is a network traffic probe used for high-speed web-based traffic analysis and flow collection.
  • A new NST WUI Geolocation Application: "Ntopng IPv4 Hosts" is available using host information derived from ntopng. This application includes the following features:
    • Periodically query the ntopng server for Host information and then try to Geolocate each Host on a Google Map.
    • Map marker management allows one to extend the Geolocation Lifetime of each Host Marker for a user specified time duration.
    • One can choose from a large collection of transparent Host Markers for the generation of "Geolocated Hosts Heat Maps".
    • Integration of the NST IPv4 Address Tools widget and the ntopng Web-Based GUI to perform additional Network Surveillance with each ntopng detected Host.
    • An IPv4 Host Simulator is available to generate Random World-Wide Host Geolocations.
    • An IPv4 Host Simulator Mode using the GeoIPgen tool with the MaxMind Country WhoIs Database is available to produce Country Level Geolocation Isolation.
    • Use the IPv4 Host Simulator to expose Networks and Hosts for Global Network Exploration with the vast collection of integrated NST tools.
    • An NST Ntopng IPv4 Hosts screenshot is shown here with integrated NST tools focusing on host: "".
  • Several new tools were added to the NST WUI that allow you to convert files to different formats. These tools can be found under the 'Tools | Convert' menu and include the following abilities:
    • Convert from PostScript to PDF
    • Download a URL and render a PDF
    • Convert ASCII source code files to colorized HTML
    • Convert image files from one type to another
  • A new tool was added to the NST WUI that allows you to easily browse the RPM packages installed on the system. To bring up the index of all RPM packages, select 'Tools | WUI Widgets | NST RPM Index' from the menu. If the RPM index was not recently generated it will take a few moments for the system to determine the list of installed RPM packages. Once the index is displayed, you can click on any entry to easily examine information about each installed package.
  • As always, the networking and security applications included have been updated to their latest version which can be found in the manifest.
  • For more details related to the code changes for this release, refer to the Change Log page.
Posted by Ronald W. Henderson 2013-11-19 Labels: NST18-5413

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