
V1.2.1 got I/O error

Jason Chen
  • Jason Chen

    Jason Chen - 2005-03-10

    Dear all
    When I boot from CD of NST ver 1.2.1
    I got the error message below , I have downloaded two web site image and use three PC for boot it all
    got the same error message. Does any one has this problem ?
    Also when I turn back to V1.2.0 and I turn on snort and use for external rules I got the error from snort web site the rules not exist. Does and one have this happen ?
    Thanks in advance for your answer and help.

    install common utilities to RAM disk :
    bzip2 : compressed file ends unexpectedly
    bzip2 : Input /Output error

    • Ronald W. Henderson


      A couple of suggestions. At at first glance it looks like a corrupt ISO download. Verify the md5sum for the tar gz ISO. This can be found on the manifest web page for the v1.2.1 release.

      Also how must memory does your PC have?

      Snort just changed there download rules policy. Please see the web site: The pending release of NST 1.2.2 will address an easier means to work with Snort rule sets.


    • Jason Chen

      Jason Chen - 2005-03-11

      Dear ,

      Thank you very much for your answer.
      Sorry , I'm not good at Linux system.
      I only download ISO file and burn to CD
      My PC has 384MB RAM , Do you thing is enough to new version V.1.2.1.

      Thanks for notice for snort change the riles path.

      Thank you.

      Jason Chen

    • Ronald W. Henderson


      384 should be enough. Did you do a md5sum on the ISO tar gz to see if your download was correct?


    • Jason Chen

      Jason Chen - 2005-03-14

      Sorry , I don't know how to do that.
      I have used WinISO to open the ISO file
      and It looks great.
      Where can I found the step for ISO tar gz ?
      Thank you for your help

      Jason Chen

    • Paul Blankenbaker

      Can you examine the contents of the "nst_utils.tar.bz2" file found in the "utils" directory of the CD?

      It sounds like this file is found to be unreadable or corrupt on your boot matchines.

      On a Linux system you would use something like:

         tar tjf nst_utils.tar.bz2

      The above should report any problems with the file.

      There is probably a Windows utility which allows one to browse these type of archive files as well (winzip? or a gnu port of tar perhaps).


    • Jason Chen

      Jason Chen - 2005-03-16

      Paul ,

      Thank you very much for your help.
      I found that nst_utils.tar.bz2 is corrupt on my CD and I burn from ISO again. This time it works.

      Thanks again for your help.

      Jason Chen


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