
Compare 1.5.5 released

  • Jean-sébastien Leroy


    I've released Compare 1.5.5.

    What's new:

    - Side bar no include scrolling
    - Fixed a bug causing N++ to crash with R/O files

    Hope you find this release usefull.

    Best regards,

  • Anonymous

    Anonymous - 2009-09-19


    I just realized that there's a forum for each plugin. So I posted this one in the wrong place I guess:

    Meanwhile I 'fixed' it myself. I check your source to have a look what might be wrong, but it was really weird. The problem (at least for me) is that the function 'ViewNavigationBar' gets triggered at np++ startup ! That's why the flag 'Settings.UseNavBar' gets switched at every np++ startup, even if you don't touch/use compare's functionality at all ! So simply start and close np++, and you'll already see the change in the Compare.ini file. I did not know why it is acting like that, so I made a dirty fix for myself.. by calling that function in 'DllMain'. That way it gets corrected at startup (cuz of being called twice) and everything is fine again over here.

  • Anonymous

    Anonymous - 2009-09-19

    I've also got some suggestions:

    1) Have it move the 'current' document move to the right, when comparing against SVN or to last saved. Cuz you're moving the temp file to the right. That way it always looks, as if the old file would be the new one ! Example: I only add 1 line in a document, then compare against SVN. Compare shows me, that in the temp file 1 line got removed, instead of showing me that in my current doc 1 line was added :?

    2) Custom background color for the NavDialog.. or at least something usually darker like COLOR_ACTIVECAPTION. Cuz the default diff colors are somewhat hard to recognize on the white background. I changed it to the caption color and it looks awsome again.

    Greets and thanks a lot for this plugin. It already kicks the arse of TortoiseMerge in some aspects :)

  • Jean-sébastien Leroy


    Thank you for your post.

    You have good ideas. I'm currently working on the next compare release that will integrate some user's ideas (the most recent doc in the right panel - thanks to Jens, customization of all NavBar colors, etc …). I will also fixed some little strange behavior like the ViewNavigationBar one.

    BTW, if you plan to make other modifications to the code, you can create an account on GitHub and push you modification on a branch in Compare repository.

    Best regards,

  • Anonymous

    Anonymous - 2009-09-21


    I forgot to mention one thing I've also added. It added a handful of lines into your 'openTempFile' function to make the temp file 'inherit' the language type (NPPM_GETBUFFERLANGTYPE) of the current document. Of course it looks nicer, when you got the correct syntax highlighting on both sides of the diff… which is one thing where it leaves TortoiseMerge far behind :-)
    But next time I will try this GitHub thingy !


  • Jean-sébastien Leroy


    Nice work ! You seem to have plenty of good ideas. Can you send me a zip file of your modified source codes so that I can integrate your modifications in the next Compare release ?

    If you have another ideas, feel free to contact me. I'm waiting a bit before releasing next Compare, in order to have some good things integrated.

    Best regards,

  • Anonymous

    Anonymous - 2009-09-22


    ok, here's the zip:

    ..but it won't help much. It's only a handful of lines and most of them are of lazy hackish nature. I didn't fully understand yet, when and which window gets focused in the end…


    Some other ideas:
    1) When jumping between diffs, maybe recognizing 'blocks'. When wanting to jump to the next diff block with CTRL+UP, it first steps through every line right now.
    2) Also regarding CTRL+UP/DOWN: I don't know if it's hard to implement, but maybe showing the next diff in the middle of the page instead of the bottom.

  • NancyS

    NancyS - 2009-09-28

    Howdy. I'm converting to a new machine and trying to use Notepad++ 5.5 with Compare 1.5.5.

    When I try to use compare (against last save or SVN base), Notepad++ crashes.

    Any suggestions for someone just getting started (and who may not have installed prerequisites, or may have installed something that's in conflict)?




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