
Console Undocked

  • Paul Richards

    Paul Richards - 2009-07-04

    When I first used npp_exec's console it appeared docked to the bottom of NPP++'s editing window. Now when I open the console it opens as a 'floating' blue-bordered window.

    How do I restore the docked console?

    • DV

      DV - 2009-07-07

      Notepad++'es global behaviour: double-click the floating window's title in order to dock this window again.

  • WalterConti

    WalterConti - 2014-10-18

    DV :
    Double clicking floating windows title, docks it.
    At this point, how to resize the docked window so that it appears on the left side of the screen?
    Newb thanks very much.

  • DV

    DV - 2014-10-18

    Are you joking? Come on, feel free to experiment with Notepad++! ;)
    If you want the Console window to be docked on the left of Notepad++'es window, just press the left mouse button on the Console's window title and, keeping the left mouse button pressed, move the mouse to the left side of Notepad++'es window. It's common for any docked window in Notepad++.
    If you mean the left side of the whole screen (i.e. the desktop), just move it and resize as a regular window. It will not be docked to the left side of the desktop though, because such feature was not implemented in the scope of Notepad++'es docking ability.


    Last edit: DV 2014-10-18

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