
Console Output Filters

  • GKeefe

    GKeefe - 2015-02-18


    I recently started using the NppExec plugin and it is bad-ass.

    Nonetheless, I have been unable to figure out the console filter. A sample compiler error message displayed in the console window looks like:

    Admin.prg(4) Error F0028 Can't open #include file: ''

    4 is the line number and Admin.Prg is the current file in Notepad++.

    I can get the line to RGB value highlight with a highlight mask of *Error*

    What do I need to do to be able to double click on the line and then move to the actual line in the editor? Is this possible?

    Thanks for a great product and your time,

  • GKeefe

    GKeefe - 2015-02-19

    If this helps anyone else with the highlight mask, I got it working. Really simple, once I grasped the associated help text.


    Thanks again for a great product.

  • DV

    DV - 2015-02-19

    The following highlight mask should be more convenient for your example:
    %FILE%(%LINE%) Error *

    You can observe more details of the highlight mask matching if you execute "npe_debug 1" before double-clicking the line with the error message.
    Just as example, here is what I did to verify your case:
    1. NppExec -> Console Output Filters -> Highlight, type "%FILE%(%LINE%) Error *" (without the quote symbols) and set a checkbox near it.
    2. In NppExec's Console, type "echo Admin.prg(4) Error F0028 Can't open #include file: ''" (without the quote symbols). The Console will show:
    Admin.prg(4) Error F0028 Can't open #include file: ''
    3. In NppExec's Console, type "npe_debug 1" (without the quote symbols). This enables the so-called debug logging output.
    4. Double-click the line "Admin.prg(4) Error F0028 Can't open #include file: ''". This will show the matching highlight mask, if any. (Internally in NppExec the masks are matched by the WarningAnalyzer component, therefore the text "WarningAnalyzer info" in the output.)
    5. Finally, when the debug logging is no more needed, type "npe_debug 0".


    Last edit: DV 2015-02-19
    • GKeefe

      GKeefe - 2015-02-19

      Is there a way to make a donation directly to NppExec?

      • DV

        DV - 2015-02-20

        No. The lead developer of NppExec lives in Ukraine where input transactions to the PayPal account are denied (great politics, isn't it?).
        I believe there must be other ways to receive e-money in some form, but I'm not aware of them.


        Last edit: DV 2015-02-20
  • GKeefe

    GKeefe - 2015-02-19

    If anyone needs some additional help, I summarized the replies above.

    Compiler error displayed in the Console dialog:

    Admin.prg(4) Error F0028 Can't open #include file: ''

    Entered Highlight Mask: %FILE%(%LINE%) Error *

    Admin.prg is represented by %FILE%
    ( - the "(" right after .prg
    4 - is represented by %LINE% 
    ) - the close parenthesis  
    Error - the Error text
    * to indicate matching any characters after Error

    To be able to double-click a console line error and go to the line in the associated source code file, at minimum, the %LINE% keyword must be in the highlight mask. Also, the highlight mask must match a portion of a console compiler error which includes the line number.

    If the mask isn't working as expected, start the npe_debug console mode and then double click the error line to view more details.


    Last edit: GKeefe 2015-02-19
  • Jan23

    Jan23 - 2015-02-23

    thanks for clearing this up. I just created another topic related to this regarding error highlighting for java:


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