
Parsing rules and language not synchronized

  • DWK

    DWK - 2011-10-19

    I created a set of parsing rules for verilog (by editing the XML file, see below if you want it) but I'm having a problem with functionlist recognizing the language.  When NP++ correctly identifies the language as Verilog, FL indicates "No Rule Defined"… BUT if I tell NP++ that the file is really a Matlab file functionlist happily parses it as Verilog!  Of course all the syntax highlighting and code folding are broken in NP++ however.  Has anybody a solution for this?  I tried the compact menu/ not compact menu approach listed in the "Adding new language to function list" without any success.


    Here are my FL rules for Verilog:

       <Language name="Verilog" imagelistpath="C:\Program Files (x86)\Notepad++\plugins\Config\Verilog.bmp">
            <CommList param1="//" param2="" />
            <Group name="MODULE" subgroup="TASKS" icon="4" child="18" autoexp="4" matchcase="0" fendtobbeg="" bbegtobend="" keywords="">
                <Rules regexbeg="*module+" regexfunc="+" regexend="" bodybegin="" bodyend="endmodule" sep="" />
            <Group name="input" subgroup="" icon="10" child="13" autoexp="4" matchcase="0" fendtobbeg="" bbegtobend="" keywords="">
                <Rules regexbeg="*XXXX+" regexfunc="+" regexend="" bodybegin="" bodyend="endmodule" sep="" />
            <Group name="Section" subgroup="" icon="2" child="9" autoexp="4" matchcase="0" fendtobbeg="" bbegtobend="" keywords="">
                <Rules regexbeg="//\s*\t\t*" regexfunc="*" regexend="" bodybegin="" bodyend="" sep="" />
            <Group name="PORT-INPUT" subgroup="" icon="10" child="0" autoexp="0" matchcase="0" fendtobbeg="" bbegtobend="" keywords="">
                <Rules regexbeg="input[\s\0-9\:]+" regexfunc="+" regexend="" bodybegin="" bodyend="" sep="" />
            <Group name="PORT-OUTPUT" subgroup="" icon="13" child="1" autoexp="0" matchcase="0" fendtobbeg="" bbegtobend="" keywords="">
                <Rules regexbeg="output[reg\s\0-9\:]+" regexfunc="+" regexend="" bodybegin="" bodyend="" sep="" />
            <Group name="PARAMETER" subgroup="" icon="14" child="5" autoexp="0" matchcase="0" fendtobbeg="" bbegtobend="" keywords="">
                <Rules regexbeg="parameter\s+" regexfunc="*" regexend="" bodybegin="" bodyend="" sep="" />
                <Rules regexbeg="localparam+" regexfunc="*" regexend="" bodybegin="" bodyend="" sep="" />
            <Group name="TASKS" subgroup="" icon="19" child="7" autoexp="0" matchcase="0" fendtobbeg="" bbegtobend="" keywords="">
                <Rules regexbeg="task\s+" regexfunc="*" regexend="" bodybegin="" bodyend="endtask" sep="" />
            <Group name="ALWAYS" subgroup="" icon="2" child="18" autoexp="0" matchcase="0" fendtobbeg="" bbegtobend="" keywords="">
                <Rules regexbeg="always" regexfunc=".*" regexend="begin" bodybegin="" bodyend="" sep="" />
            <Group name="Net" subgroup="" icon="3" child="9" autoexp="0" matchcase="0" fendtobbeg="" bbegtobend="" keywords="">
                <Rules regexbeg="wire[\s\0-9\:]+" regexfunc="*" regexend="" bodybegin="" bodyend="" sep="" />
            <Group name="Register" subgroup="" icon="17" child="9" autoexp="0" matchcase="0" fendtobbeg="" bbegtobend="" keywords="">
                <Rules regexbeg="reg\s+[\s\0-9\:]+" regexfunc="*" regexend="[\s\0-9\:,;]+" bodybegin="" bodyend="" sep="" />

  • shmoib

    shmoib - 2015-06-15

    the regular expressions that has only * or + are incorrect. There should be an atomic before them for example: .* or .+


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