
standalone error

  • Nobody/Anonymous

    when exporting a file  as a standalone the resulting file crash's with a  error msg  "application failed to start because intl.dll was not found"  

    • Nobody/Anonymous

      opps supose  some  info might help :>  

      notcase 1.9.5 portable 
      winblows xp sp3 

      not sure if theres any  other info you need     just ask

      • Miroslav Rajcic

        Miroslav Rajcic - 2008-09-24

        "standalone" does not mean that the application stopped being dependent on GTK, it just means that the data is included directly within the .exe.

        You need to start this .exe in the same environment as the ordinary installed .exe or as the portable application (starting through the launcher application).

        Your error implies that the parts of GTK could not be found.


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