
Node IRC / News: Recent posts

NodeIRC 0.35 Released

Node is a customizable IRC Client for Windows supporting Multiple Servers, Smileys, Scripting, and more... The new and updated release of Node, 0.35, is out! Lots of bug fixes, new features, and much more in this version of Node, which is considered to be the first "stable" release!
Before you get it, make sure you take a look at some screenshots on our website. Download it and try it out today :-)... read more

Posted by Dionyziz Zindros 2005-01-29

NodeIRC 0.34 released

Node IRC is an IRC Client for Windows. In version 0.34 we have corrected a major Security Issue which an attacker could exploit in previous versions. Upgrade today to make sure you have the latest security patch.

Posted by Dionyziz Zindros 2004-07-20

NodeIRC 0.33 released

Node IRC is an IRC Client for Windows. Version 0.33 is the first version that
supports multiple server connections
simoultaniously. There are a few more
changes, including HalfOp support and DCC
Port Range selection as well as some
bug fixes.
For more information, please visit our web site at

Posted by Dionyziz Zindros 2004-07-18

Node 0.32 released

Node IRC is an IRC Client for Windows. Version 0.32 is the first version that contains a binary installer, allowing the client to be installed on any system
running Windows, without any manual installations. The major changes in this version include PlugIns support, extended DCC options, and TimeStamps support. There are also a lot of bug fixes made in this release.

Posted by Dionyziz Zindros 2004-05-31

Node IRC version 0.31 released

Node is an OpenSource IRC client for Windows. In version 0.31 the basic IRC features are finished, as the last of the basic milestones, DCC, is now fully supported. Check out our homepage for more information.

Posted by Josh 2004-03-03

Version 0.30 Released

Version 0.30 is released - at last - and contains a lot of new stuff. Skins support, DCC send and recieve, dynamical HTML content and more. Check out the release notes and the changes log for more information :)

Posted by Dionyziz Zindros 2004-01-06

Version 0.29 Released

Version 0.29 was released. If you are using version 0.28 you will be informed when you start the program! :)

Posted by Dionyziz Zindros 2003-12-16

Version 0.28 Released

Version 0.28 of Node was released. This version will let you know if there are any new releases via the `Latest Version' Feature.

Posted by Dionyziz Zindros 2003-12-09

NodeIRC 0.27 Released

Node version 0.27 was released. Multi language support added(see the changes log for more changes)

Posted by Dionyziz Zindros 2003-12-06

Version 0.26 Released

Version 0.26 of Node now released. Many bugs were fixed and some new features added!

Posted by Dionyziz Zindros 2003-12-02

Version 0.25 Released

Version 0.25 of Node released(this is still a pre-alpha). See the changes log for more information about what has changed.

Posted by Dionyziz Zindros 2003-11-21

Version 0.24 Released

Node IRC Client Version 0.24 source released. For changes on this version refer to the changes log.

Posted by Dionyziz Zindros 2003-11-16

Version 0.23(pre-Alpha) released

The first version was released. It's definately not stable and should be used only be developers due to the many bugs it has.

Posted by Dionyziz Zindros 2003-11-12

Node IRC now hosted by SourceForge

Node IRC Project is now Open-Source and hosted by! Any new members are welcome!

Posted by Dionyziz Zindros 2003-11-11