
#131 keep text of new msg even on session timeout

Usability (26)

When entering a new message everything is lost after a session timeout. It would be nice to keep such texts for a while and restore them like a postponed message in other clients. Technically it could be done with a small database (maybe sqlite) which holds the last session-ID for each user. When a HTTP/POST with a new message reaches the server with an invalid Session-ID, this ID is searched in the database. The message text then is saved in the DB for this user. When the user creates a new message, the saved text will be sent in the textarea.

Another technical approach would be a keep alive using Ajax-technology.

We have some users that would really appreciate this feature.


  • Tobias Mathes

    Tobias Mathes - 2012-09-04

    This could be solved with persistant session storage. Unfortunately some stock server configurations have a garbage collection every n minutes and therefore removing current sessions (if stored in the filesystem).

  • Oliver Heil

    Oliver Heil - 2013-10-29
    • status: open --> open-accepted
    • assigned_to: Oliver Heil
    • Group: --> v1.9.4
  • Oliver Heil

    Oliver Heil - 2014-03-31
    • status: open-accepted --> closed-accepted

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