Adam Walker - 2004-01-30

okay so i noticed I removed the client package, it has nmon which you can get at IBM and is missing these 2 files;

share:/share/pkg/client # cat startnmon
/usr/local/nmon/nmon -s 600 -F /usr/local/nmon/nmoninfo -t
#/usr/local/nmon/nmon64 -s 600 -F /usr/local/nmon/nmoninfo -t

this sets flags for collecting every 10mins


share:/share/pkg/client # cat nmon-rest
RIN=`ps -ef | grep -v grep | grep nmon | grep nmoninfo`
NUMB=`echo $RIN | wc -w`
if [ "$NUMB" -gt 0 ]
  DAPID=`ps -ef | grep -v grep | grep nmon | grep nmoninfo | awk '{ print $2 }'`
  kill $DAPID
sleep 2
> /usr/local/nmon/nmoninfo
sleep 2

this restarts nmon, either can be changed to run with bash etc however you like.  BUT you need these 2 files please cut/paste/fix to your liking/environment.