
Can't Connect

  • Nobody/Anonymous

    I downloaded everything and it installed fine but when i went to open nicotine it will not allow me to connect.  there is no error message or anything.  the ability is just not there to click on connect. 

    hoping someone can help.  thanks.

    • Nobody/Anonymous

      i'm having the same problem. are you using 10.4, by any chance?

    • Nobody/Anonymous

      Me too. I'm on 10.4.2. I read the FAQ, but that was no help.

    • Nobody/Anonymous

      Idem, i'm also on 10.4; when i launch nicotine app., x11 is opened, then nothing else.

    • Nobody/Anonymous

      I have the same problem. my os is 10.4.8
      I'd appreciate if somone could react on this problem

    • Nobody/Anonymous

      I use 10.3 and I cannot connect as well. I have been using nicotine for a few years and everything had been a-ok until one day it would not allow me to connect. I tried re-setting my prefrences but that did not seem to help.

    • Nobody/Anonymous

      Well, looks like we've all got the same problem but no help. Is there anyone on this forum that can help us who have OSX 10.4.1?



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