
MySQL Tables

  • Brennan Falkner

    Brennan Falkner - 2002-09-12

    I want to install the php version on my server but it's giving me flak about not having the tables already created.

    What is the table structure I need to get this working?  Thanks...

    • Phil Howlett

      Phil Howlett - 2002-09-18

      Hi there,

      The PHP version of NICOLE doesn't have the scripts to create the MySQL tables. You will need to download the source distribution. The scripts to create the MySQL tables are located in the sql directory. (Read the README file for help).

      Hope that helps.


    • Brennan Falkner

      Brennan Falkner - 2002-09-25

      It seems to work ok now, but after typing 'hello' and 'hi' a couple of times, nothing has been added to the NICOLE database..?


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