
#6 VS 2013 Support


Can you pelase add VS2013 support? The preview still has the ugly VS2012 look which makes it impossible for me to use it.


  • Steve Burgett

    Steve Burgett - 2013-11-27

    +1 From me. NiceVS is AWESOME! I just upgraded to VS 2013 and now I have to suffer with the colorless icons again. :-(

  • Michael Avanessian

    I was able to build this using the latest code commit for VS2013 compatibility without any errors. I even created a respective .vsix package installer for it. But, unfortunately I'm still very inexperienced with this; and, got an error when trying to run the installer I had made. Hopefully, Donny will come through with this; as, people are already upgrading and using VS2013. BTW: I'm using VS2013 Express for Web.

  • Đonny

    Đonny - 2013-12-07

    There are some issues with 2013 that must be adderessed. E.g. top-right close/minimize/maximize icons disappeared for me, and there was some issue with VS icon.
    If you're brave enough to build from source, and create VSIX yourself, you can. Workaround it to disable runtime changes, and only use toolbar/menu changes.

  • André Ziegler

    André Ziegler - 2014-03-10

    are you still working on a VS2013 compatible version?

  • Megaten

    Megaten - 2014-04-11

    Please, do it for the user like me without enough experience to do it.
    Many thanks for your job.

  • MysticTaz

    MysticTaz - 2014-07-04

    After writing the following, I looked at the latest changeset dates and comments and realized that you (Donny) are already in progress with this, but here's the original message anyway.

    Hi, Donny! How much would the community need to donate for you to spend some time porting it to VS2013? I realize how these little projects quickly lose priority in one's life. Of course, someone else could get it working, except that you are the one already most familiar with it.

    Perhaps I'll have some spare time to delve into it. Thanks for the VS2012 version, and I hope Microsoft can provide a better/supported icon replacement scenario for VS2014.

    Has anyone here taken a look at the VS2014 CTP to see if something like that is implemented?


    Last edit: MysticTaz 2014-07-04
  • Đonny

    Đonny - 2014-08-03

    this is not matter of money. Just matter of time. I used to have some problems with 2013 version (some buttons were randomly disappearing). That's why I never made it public. This issue seems to be gone with VS2013 Update 1 or 2.
    I'm actually using the 2012 version with some manual tweaks on VS2013 myself. It is probably just about putting it to some deliverable package.
    Providing others stuff I'm working on, it's not that easy to find half a day to finalize this. So, I'm sorry. No promises.
    Everybody is welcome to download latest sources and build it him/herself.

  • André Ziegler

    André Ziegler - 2014-08-03

    can you commit your last changes so that we can try it? Btw, have you tried if the addon also works with VS14 CTP?

  • Đonny

    Đonny - 2014-08-16

    All the code changes are in SVN. I didn't have cancer to try VS14 CTP yet.

  • André Ziegler

    André Ziegler - 2015-01-05

    It doesn't work for me in VS2013 Upd4:

  • André Ziegler

    André Ziegler - 2015-07-21

    any plans for support VS2015?

  • Đonny

    Đonny - 2015-08-20

    Just an update. I upgraded the code so it builds and runs with VS2015. Unfortunatelly it does not replace anything. I'll investigate why ...
    There's not gonna be official support for VS2013 :-(.


    Last edit: Đonny 2015-08-20
  • André Ziegler

    André Ziegler - 2015-08-21

    If you can support VS2015 I'm also happy.

  • Megaten

    Megaten - 2015-08-21

    And for me also, that's a really productivity improvement. Many thanks fot the job.

  • André Ziegler

    André Ziegler - 2016-04-20

    any update on supporting VS2015?

  • André Ziegler

    André Ziegler - 2017-04-11

    any update? Will you provide VS2017 support? Stucking at VS2012 forever sucks because of your missing addon for newer VS versions


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