
shared library / calling "remcirc"

  • craggan

    craggan - 2014-01-29


    as you suggested in another thread, i use the command "remcirc"
    after processing the circuit file.

    While doing some misuse tests in a debug session i found out, my
    application crashes when simulating an empty circuit file( and
    also for example using a cpp - file).

    First i load the circuit file in a text highlighting editor.
    In my case this happens, when the editor is empty and the user
    presses the simulate/run button.

    Asking the return value of "bg_run" is for the birds.

    I could implement some features
    - test, if first character is a '*'
    - test, if ".END" appears
    - test, if ".tran" appears
    - test ending of file ( but user is able to type in by hand )
    - as a standard always load a minimum valid circuit.

    My question is, do you have a flag within the library, which indicates
    a valid circuit after a successful "bg_run.", which i can request, before
    calling "remcirc"?

    Otherwise i've to use only a call to "dlcose".

    You may say, why do simulate an empty file ore just nonsense. But
    users do and out of experience it's always the programmer who fails!

    regards, Craggan

  • Holger Vogt

    Holger Vogt - 2014-01-29


    normally ngspice should just report: "Error: there is no circuit loaded.", after 'remcirc' has been called, and there is no circuit. In fact there is a bug in runcoms2.c, which may under certain circumstances lead to a crash. I will upload a bugfix a.s.a.p.


  • Holger Vogt

    Holger Vogt - 2014-01-29

    fix is uploaded to git


  • craggan

    craggan - 2014-01-29




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