
MOS in NgSpice

  • Fahim

    Fahim - 2012-12-28


    I am trying to write simple netlist which uses pmos. I am not getting any error but when I plot i(V3) vs v(vin) i got some weired waveform. Basically I am trying to plot id vs vgs.

    Am I using pmos correctly. My code are as follow.

    **PMOS Example
    V1 vdd 0 5V
    V2 vss 0 0v
    V3 in vss pulse(0 3 0 100p 100p 1.9n 4n)
    R1 in vin 10k
    R2 out 0 4k
    Mp1 out vin vdd vdd pch l=0.35u w=20.0u
    .MODEL pch PMOS
    .tran .1n 200n
  • Fahim

    Fahim - 2013-01-02

    Actually I am writing script for which will keeps changing the value of vth and to plot id vs vgs.

    I have modefied it.

    But I dont know how to use plot in control statement.

    V1 vdd 0 5V
    V2 vss 0 0v
    V3 in vss pulse(0 3 0 100p 100p 1.9n 4n)
    R1 in vin 10k
    R2 out 0 4k
    Mp1 out vin vdd vdd pch l=0.35u w=20.0u
    .MODEL pch PMOS
    +Level = 49
    +Lint = 3.e-08      Tox = 4.2e-09 
    +Vth0 = -0.4        Rdsw = 450 
    +lmin=1.8e-7        lmax=1.8e-7     
    +wmin=1.8e-7        wmax=1.0e-4     
    +version =3.1       Xj= 7.0000000E-08         
    +Nch= 5.9200000E+17     lln= 1.0000000            
    +lwn= 1.0000000         wln= 0.00
    +wwn= 0.00              ll= 0.00
    +lw= 0.00               lwl= 0.00                   
    +wint= 0.00     wl= 0.00                  
    +ww= 0.00               wwl= 0.00
    +Mobmod=1               binunit= 2                                    
    +Dwg= 0.00              Dwb= 0.00 
    +hdif=0.00      rsh= 0 
    +K1= 0.5560000          K2= 0.00 
    +K3= 0.00               Dvt0= 11.2000000            
    +Dvt1= 0.7200000    Dvt2= -1.0000000E-02      
    +Dvt0w= 0.00            Dvt1w= 0.00 
    +Dvt2w= 0.00            Nlx= 9.5000000E-08          
    +W0= 0.00       K3b= 0.00                 
    +Ngate= 5.0000000E+20 
    +Vsat= 1.0500000E+05    Ua= -1.2000000E-10          
    +Ub= 1.0000000E-18 
    +Uc= -2.9999999E-11     Prwb= 0.00 
    +Prwg= 0.00             Wr= 1.0000000               
    +U0= 8.0000000E-03  A0= 2.1199999             
    +Keta= 2.9999999E-02    A1= 0.00 
    +A2= 0.4000000          Ags= -0.1000000             
    +B0= 0.00       B1= 0.00 
    +Voff= -6.40000000E-02      NFactor= 1.4000000          
    +Cit= 0.00      Cdsc= 0.00                
    +Cdscb= 0.00            Cdscd= 0.00 
    +Eta0= 8.5000000        Etab= 0.00                  
    +Dsub= 2.8000000    Pclm= 2.0000000           
    +Pdiblc1= 0.1200000     Pdiblc2= 8.0000000E-05 
    +Pdiblcb= 0.1450000     Drout= 5.0000000E-02        
    +Pscbe1= 1.0000000E-20 
    +Pscbe2= 1.0000000E-20     Pvag= -6.0000000E-02        
    +Delta= 1.0000000E-02 
    +Alpha0= 0.00              Beta0= 30.0000000 
    +kt1= -0.3700000           kt2= -4.0000000E-02         
    +At= 5.5000000E+04     Ute= -1.4800000           
    +Ua1= 9.5829000E-10        Ub1= -3.3473000E-19 
    +Uc1= 0.00                 Kt1l= 4.0000000E-09         
    +Prt= 0.00 
    .option noopalter 
    let mc_runs = 10
    let run = 0
    set curplot = new
    set curplottitle = "ig vs vgs plot"
    set plot_out = $curplot
    set p1vth0=@p1[vth0]
    dowhile run <= mc_runs
    if run > 0
    altermod @p1[vth0]=gauss($p1vth0, 0.1, 3)
    tran .1n 200n
    plot {$plot_out}.vout0

    Fahim Khan


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