
Worker detection

Ernst R.
  • Ernst R.

    Ernst R. - 2006-02-28

    In the NGridLoader tutorial, you describe that a user has to first start up the workers and then give the NGridLoader the list of hosts. Is it mandatory to give it the list of workers it can use? Or is there some kind of auto-detection or master-slave relation so that all workers for example sign on to a master?


    • Ernst R.

      Ernst R. - 2006-02-28

      ... reason I'm asking is: I'm using PVM right now and I just like that way it's oranigzed - workers can join and leave at almost any time (can also be done through the API), you just start tasks and don't have to worry about which of the workers is selected.

      Another question: What's the reason for having to start the applications through NGridLoader? Couldn't I just start the application and have it use NGrid for certain portions of its calculations upon demand?


    • Joannes Vermorel

      For now, the "middleware" part of NGrid is very rougth and limited. I have not implemented any smart strategy to auto-discover the available workers, therefore, yes, the full list of workers has to be specified at the beginning.

      Concerning your second question, the NGridLoader is simply a convenient wrapper. Nevertheless, a program can leverage NGrid as a component on demand. The only tricky part is that the physical grid setup must be done "manually" instead of relying on NGridLoader.



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