starwarsguy9875 - 2009-07-02

This list of my requests is based on what features I've seen in the current ngPlant v 0.97, if I've requested anything that's already included I'd appreciate it if I was informed in later posts as well as explained how to use x-features, thanks.

- full LOD support using cylindrical billboards, it would be good for realtime distant land renderings in games.

- Wind support and controls, with full wind speed controllers and wind direction etc.

- Tree destruction with physics? May not be an easy one, but it'd be a cool feature to have, maybe useful for animations of some sort.

- A few more export filetypes, like 3ds for MAX users, and it'd be nice to have a direct .blend exporter too, so apon importing into blender you don't have to redo all the billboards.

- When values on child branches/leaves are changed, it shouldn't change the rest of the tree's structure, that always happens to me when I edit the branch or leaf density, it gets annoying.

- Texture support for more than just TGA, I really wish it supported DDS, because I always use DDS and find it troublesome to have to convert to TGA as well.

- Polycount bar, this gives a value from 0.00 to 2.00, defaulting at 1.00, the polycount modifiers can be used to automatically edit certain values in the tree which affect the poly count, it'd be a usefully thing to have, since I always like to keep my meshes at around 1000 polys for rendering efficiency.

That's all I got for now, this thread can also be used for others to post suggestions as well I guess.