
#32 Question marks appearing in notes.

v1.0 (example)

I can syncronize NixNote with my Evernote account fine. I've come across a bug in NixNote though, and that is when I edit a note in NixNote and upload it, then edit it on my Android phone, download it, then edit it in Nixnote again and upload it, I start getting all of these question marks appearing in the text. Nixnote appears to work fine if I only edit the notes on my Android phone, but when I start editing my notes in both NixNote and my Android phone, then these crazy question marks appear throughout the text.
Thanks for your help.


Support Requests: #32


  • Randy Baumgarte

    Randy Baumgarte - 2015-04-03

    I've run into this before. If you look under "Edit/Preferences" and switch to the "Debugging" section there is an option for an experimental Android fix. I believed that has helped other people. I don't think it corrects any notes that are already messed up, but it does prevent new occurrences.

  • Patrick Howden

    Patrick Howden - 2015-04-03

    Thanks Randy but I've had the Debugging Android option ticked the whole time, and I still get this problem.
    I've even tried this with a new note, with the Android fix ticked, & the problem still occurs.


    Last edit: Patrick Howden 2015-04-03
    • Randy Baumgarte

      Randy Baumgarte - 2015-04-03


      I don't think I'll be able to help much. Part of the reason I've been
      spending the majority of my free time on NixNote2 is because of issues like
      this. The code base in the old NixNote is pretty ugly with things like
      this. I'll keep it in the back of my mind and maybe I'll think of
      something, but I'm not planning on adding any new features to NN 1.x and
      this would probably be a lot of work.

      Sorry, but when NN2 is out it should be better than the Java NN 1.x.

      On Fri, Apr 3, 2015 at 5:54 AM, Patrick Howden

      Thanks Randy but I've had the Debugging Android option ticked the whole
      time, and I still get this problem.

      Status: open
      Group: v1.0 (example)
      Created: Fri Apr 03, 2015 03:59 AM UTC by Patrick Howden
      Last Updated: Fri Apr 03, 2015 09:15 AM UTC
      Owner: Randy Baumgarte

      I can syncronize NixNote with my Evernote account fine. I've come across a
      bug in NixNote though, and that is when I edit a note in NixNote and upload
      it, then edit it on my Android phone, download it, then edit it in Nixnote
      again and upload it, I start getting all of these question marks appearing
      in the text. Nixnote appears to work fine if I only edit the notes on my
      Android phone, but when I start editing my notes in both NixNote and my
      Android phone, then these crazy question marks appear throughout the text.
      Thanks for your help.

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      Support Requests: #32

  • Patrick Howden

    Patrick Howden - 2015-04-03

    Ok. Thanks Randy. I'll keep an eye out for NixNote 2. Cheers. :-)

  • Drew Sabelhaus

    Drew Sabelhaus - 2015-07-13

    Hi all! A quick update to this ticket: the question marks and spacing issues seem to be fixed by v2-beta3, at least for my ubuntu 14.04 install and Android 5. One note for users though, the evernote client for Android will choke up and freeze when trying to edit files with the v1.x errors after upgrading to v2-beta3 and running a sync. I manually fixed the notes in the web client (deleted the missing characters and the excess spaces), and now all three environments work great together (evernote web for desktop, NixNote v2 native on linux, and Evernote for android). Thanks so much Randy for making this awesome tool!

  • Randy Baumgarte

    Randy Baumgarte - 2015-10-16
    • status: open --> closed

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