
#17 Doesn't start on Mac OSX 1.6.8 -[32323] Failed to load Main-Class manifest attribute from

v1.0 (example)

The latest NixNote doesn't start on Mac OSX 10.6.8. Java is part of OSX so there is no updates available for Java and it is part of OSX. This is the error in the console I am getting:

14-09-21 11:12:21 PM [0x0-0xf83f83][32323] Failed to load Main-Class manifest attribute from
14-09-21 11:21:16 PM [0x0-0xf8ef8e][32464] /Applications/nixnote.jar


  • Randy Baumgarte

    Randy Baumgarte - 2014-09-30

    Sorry for the slow response. I've been rather busy.

    Unfortunately I don't think I can help much. I don't have an OS-X machine to test against to help. I'll leave the ticket open in case someone else has any ideas.


  • Philip

    Philip - 2014-10-05

    Someone needs to update the JAR manifest to include the property "Main-Class: cx.fbn.nevernote.NeverNote".

    Until then, you can get around this by running:

    java -cp nixnote.jar cx.fbn.nevernote.NeverNote

    If you run into this error (as I did):

    Exception in thread "main" java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: com/trolltech/qt/gui/QMainWindow

    You need to install Qt Jambi ( Not sure what version is required for full functionality, but version 4.6.3 seems to at least compile with the jar.

    You also need the Evernote SDK. I just downloaded a ZIP of, then followed the build instructions (which was just one command).

    You also need Apache Thrift and the java bindings to it. I used Homebrew to install it (warning: takes a long time [~30 min], if you don't already have Boost):

    brew install thrift --with-java

    For some reason this doesn't seem to produce a JAR though (what's the point of the --with-java option then?). To get around that I just extracted the .tar.gz that was downloaded by brew (in /Library/Caches/Homebrew/) and cd'ed into lib/java, then ran ant, and it built the JAR.

    Unfortunately even with all those JARs linked, I ended up getting this error:

    Exception in thread "main" java.lang.ExceptionInInitializerError
       at com.trolltech.qt.QtJambiObject.<clinit>(
       Caused by: java.lang.RuntimeException: Loading library failed, progress so far:
       No 'qtjambi-deployment.xml' found in classpath, loading libraries via 'java.library.path'
       Loading library: 'libQtCore.4.dylib'...
        - using 'java.library.path'

    And that's when I gave up. Best of luck to the next person who attempts it.

  • Randy Baumgarte

    Randy Baumgarte - 2015-10-16
    • status: open --> closed

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