
Graph-learning net

  • Pelocat

    Pelocat - 2015-06-08

    I'm currently working on a network processiing chemical compounds, each of them represented as a graph (I use JGraph for this). I was wondering, how sould I derive dataset class in order to feature graphs? Sorry for the stupid question, and thanks in advance.


    Last edit: Pelocat 2015-06-08
  • Zoran Sevarac

    Zoran Sevarac - 2015-06-08

    Actually that is very interesting problem :)
    I would try to represent graph in matrix form and the create dataset out of it.
    Please let me know if this work and you make something interesting

    Good luck!

    • Pelocat

      Pelocat - 2015-06-10

      Of course! I previously implemented an algorythm for recurrent neural networks for structeres in c++, but I wanted a more solid framework to work with and Neuroph looked like the perfect match...


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