
Network Watchman / News: Recent posts

Release Schedule Changed

After much consideration, I've decides to put the weekly developer release on hold for a while. Releases will be made when code changes warrent it. Nightly CVS snapshots will be available at

Posted by Randy Smith 2004-02-22

Network Watchman 0.10 Released

We are pleased to announce NetworkWatchman 0.10.
Note: This is a development release.

New in this version:

o Minor bug fix to ipcart/delete display.

o Finally added start and stop images for the data collector control.

o Added internal bookmarks.

Looking forward:

o Finish up the graphing support for SNMP enabled devices.

o More work on the monitor backend.

o User management from within the interface.

Upgrade Note:... read more

Posted by Randy Smith 2004-02-08

Developer Release Delayed

The 0.10 developer release is being delayed due to a minor snafu with CVS. 0.10 should be released in the next day or so.

Posted by Randy Smith 2004-02-07

Network Watchman 0.9 Released

We are pleased to announce NetworkWatchman 0.9.
Note: This is a development release.

New in this version:

o Add support for SNMP enabled routers. Graphing support is available
but not well tested.

o Added the beginnings of Nagios support.

Looking forward:

o Finish up the graphing support for SNMP enabled devices.

o More work on the monitor backend.

o More user features such as bookmarks and user management from within
the interface.... read more

Posted by Randy Smith 2004-01-31

Weekly release delayed

The weekly developer release scheduled for Friday, Jan. 23 will be postponed due to issues with the SourceForge CVS server. (See for details.)

The weekly developer release will return next week (Jan. 30) with Version 0.9.

Posted by Randy Smith 2004-01-23

Network Watchman 0.8 Released

Network Watchman 0.8 Released

We are pleased to announce NetworkWatchman 0.8.
Note: This is a development release.

New in this version:

o Shiny new interface. Eric hacked up a very nice new look and feel
for the web interface.

Looking forward:

We are working on handling generic SNMP enabled routers and Nagios

Thank you for your interest in Network Watchman.
Randy Smith (PerlStalker)

Posted by Randy Smith 2004-01-16

Network Watchman 0.7 Released

Network Watchman 0.7 Released

We are pleased to announce NetworkWatchman 0.7.
Note: This is a development release.

New in this version:

o Added IP collition detection when adding and editing subnets.

Project News:

#networkwatchman IRC channel on is now open. Come
and talk about the watchman.

Thank you for your interest in Network Watchman.
Randy Smith (PerlStalker)

Posted by Randy Smith 2004-01-09

Network Watchman 0.6 Released

We are pleased to announce NetworkWatchman 0.6.
Note: This is a development release.

New in this version:

o Added an SNMP_Device class.
- This class allows provides some basic functionality
for devices that use SNMP.
- Provides means to follow interfaces if they move around the MIB.
o Added (partial) support for Alvarion radios.
o Changes to how library modules are loaded.
o Added a favicon.

Project News:... read more

Posted by Randy Smith 2004-01-02

Network Watchman 0.5 Released

We are pleased to announce the release of Network Watchman 0.5. This is a development release.

In this version:
- Many bug fixes to the IP Address Chart.
- Faster response time in all device lists and the IP Address Chart

Posted by Randy Smith 2003-12-26

Network Watchman 0.4 Released

We are pleased to announce NetworkWatchman 0.4.
Note: This is a development release.

New in this version:

o IP Address Chart
- The IP chart is now usable.
- Improved performance when viewing subnets.

o User settings
- Users can now change their password from within the UI.

o Data Collector
- It is now possible to control data-collectord from within the UI.

o Placeholders
- Placeholders can now be added, deleted, modified and changed to different devices.... read more

Posted by Randy Smith 2003-12-19