
5.1.4 maintenance release

The Net-SNMP development team has always had a policy of trying to
keep older branches of code up to date with the latest bug fixes and
patches. Generally we support the code bases from the last few major
release branches and continue to release bug fix releases for those
branch for a while even after new feature releases have been
published. I'm happy to announce that Net-SNMP version 5.1.4 is
available today from our download site. It is, however, likely to be
the very last release of the 5.1.X line of code unless a major issue
is found that requires a new release.

Note: our must current release that we recommend people move to is the
5.3.X line of code, of which the latest release is The 5.1.4
release is aimed at people who are unable to move to newer lines of
code for one reason or another.

Posted by Wes Hardaker 2006-03-24

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