
#713 override directive ignored with snmpbulkget

agent (1105)
John Lash

I noticed that when I disable a mib variable using the
override directive in the config file, I can still
retreive the value using getbulk.

for example:

override sysDescr.0 octet\_str "fubar"

then, I restart snmpd, then from another system, I run:

snmpbulkget -On -Cr5 -cpublic -v2c lab15 sysDescr

and I get back:

. = STRING: Linux lab15 2.4.20 #30 SMP
Tue Mar 18 14:12:02 CST 2003 i686
. = STRING: fubar
. = STRING: fubar
. = STRING: fubar
. = STRING: fubar

Found the problem just a few minutes ago and I hven't
had time to look thru the code yet, I'm also leaving
for some vacation later today. If somebody needs to
contact me, I'll be back on April 6.


  • John Lash

    John Lash - 2003-03-28

    Logged In: YES

    oops, version info follows:

    : root; snmpd --version

    NET-SNMP version: 5.0.7

    : home; snmpbulkget --version
    NET-SNMP version: 5.0.7

  • John Lash

    John Lash - 2003-04-09

    debugging notes

  • John Lash

    John Lash - 2003-04-09

    snmpd -D -Lf output

  • Dave Shield

    Dave Shield - 2006-01-10

    Logged In: YES

    I've *finally* managed to track down what's triggering
    this problem. It turns out to be the "out of range"
    processing in the check_getnext_results routine, which
    sets the 'inclusive' flag (erroneously in this case).

    I think I've got a fix for this, but I'm by no means
    certain of the implications of it. So for the time being,
    I've just applied it to the main CVS development code.
    As long as that doesn't throw up any significant problems,
    I'll look at back-porting it to the earlier branches in
    a week or two. Then hopefully we can finally nail this
    bug once and for all.

  • Robert Story

    Robert Story - 2006-02-10

    Logged In: YES

    Ok, this is gonna be a long one, folks.

    Dave, did you test your fix? In my cvs, as of today, the replication of fubar is fixed, but the first varbind still returns the standard sysDescr, instead of the overriden one.

    There are several issues in play here.

    1) The reason that the original sysDescr remains is in the bulk_to_next handler. If an answer is returned, it unconditionally sets for retry and then advances to the next variable.

    Solution: check for end of range in netsnmp_bulk_to_next_fix_requests.

    2) The reason for the repetions is that, as you discovered, inclusive has been set.

    Solution: revert Dave's patch. Instead, when check_getnext_results discovers that range has been exceeded, set inclusive to 2 instead of 1. In netsnmp_bulk_to_next_fix_requests, if inclusive is 2, reset it to 0 after moving to the next variable in the request.

    (An alternative that I explored was to check the current varbind agains the tree end when assigning the tree in the cache, and making sure that the request index + 1 didn't exceed the tree range end, moving on the the next tree if that test failed. This worked, but I'm not convinced that it would work for more complex cases (like table indexes that aren't scalars, or when there are indexes are non-contiguous)).

    These 2 fixes fix the problem, and correctly set the overridden value and the move on to subsequent values. There might be some interactions with AgentX, the primary consumer of the inclusive value. We'll cross that bridge when we come to it.

    3) On a related note, both Dave's fix and my above fixes caused an endless loop when the override was for an object in a table (eg hrStorageDescr.0). In this case, the problem was that the instance helper used for override was translating no value (ASN_NULL) and the NOSUCH* returns into ASN_PRIV_RETRY to trigger a retry (see revisions 5.11 and 5.12 of that file). However, I don't see how that could be right. RETRY will call the same handler again. For an *instance*, there is no reason to expect that if it didn't have data the first time, that it will have data on the next call.

    Solution: The correct value should be ANS_NULL, causing the agent to move on to the next object in the tree.

    The checkins for 5.11 and 5.12 didn't mention a test case, so I don't know if changing to ANS_NULL breaks something else, but the above test case (scalar override of sysDescr) and the test case for #3 (object in table) both work with all 3 of these fixes.

    That's all for now! These fixes will also only be commited to cvs MAIN, and should be backported if nothing else breaks (or nobody finds a broken test case, or a better solution; solution for #2, in particular, is a hack).

  • Robert Story

    Robert Story - 2006-02-11

    patch for bulk override fixes

  • Robert Story

    Robert Story - 2006-02-11

    Logged In: YES

    Note that the override token has been broken in 5.1.x (including 5.1.2 and 5.1.3). However, I just fixed it for 5.1.4.rc1. This issue is now an issue for 5.1.4, as well. That is supposed to be scheduled for 3 days from now, which doesn't leave a whole lot of review for this fix. I've attached the patch backported to 5.1.4 below...

  • Thomas Anders

    Thomas Anders - 2006-08-11

    Logged In: YES

    So in what branches has this bug been fixed, finally? MAIN
    (5.4-to-be) for sure and 5.1.x not (now EOL anyway), but
    what about 5.2.x and 5.3.x?

  • Dave Shield

    Dave Shield - 2006-08-14

    Logged In: YES

    As far as I can tell:
    Fixed: 5.1.x,
    Not: 5.0.x, 5.2.x, 5.3.x

  • Thomas Anders

    Thomas Anders - 2006-08-14

    Logged In: YES

    Are there any objections to commit this to 5.2.x and 5.3.x,
    then? It looks strange to fix something in 5.1.x and
    only and not in the branches in between.

  • Dave Shield

    Dave Shield - 2007-02-24

    Logged In: YES
    Originator: NO

    Fix applied to 5.2.x and 5.3.x lines.


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