
Neoe IME / News: Recent posts

good practice: neoeime + neoeedit

I just make a news that say neoeime work well with jedit.
but neoeime is also work well with neoeedit.
neoeedit is lighter than jedit.

Posted by neo 2009-12-22

good practice: neoeime + jedit

Neoeime works well with jedit. with a reasonable input performance. with even jdk1.7 on PC. especially on some environment that you donnt want to install a ime.

Posted by neo 2009-12-21


when i pick up it after 2 years, the source seems a big piece of shit. because it behaives a little buggy, i made it clear.
i use it in my debian linux, there are few "easy" installable ime as i can found. and the font seem not correct as default that not support CJK charactor, so i add a function to change font manually by clicking the button and input font name.
after all, i can input both chinese and japanese in linux, again.
have a try.
Shift: enable/disable ime
ctrl: select between chinese and japanese ime
[ and ]: page up/down the candidates.
it takes a little memory, so make sure you java app's max heap size is larger than about 50M.

Posted by neo 2008-05-09

neoeime-0.6.1 add japanese ime support

add japanese input method, over 110K items of kanji libary.

Posted by neo 2006-02-27

neoeime 0.6 speed up loading

the old version lags when loading,
now this version is quick and smooth.
and provided a way for user to mantains word libary.

Posted by neo 2006-02-24

usable pinyin ime on java platform

I have sort the words and make some minor bug fix.
now you can use it to input Chinese article easily
and smoothly in any java application.
just copy the jar to jre/lib/etc,
it will active as an Java Input Method Framework instance.

Posted by neo 2005-10-28

NeoeIme Released its first release

An input method based on Java(TM) Input Method Framework.
you can use it as Pinyin IME on java plantform.

copy neoeime-ver.jar to jre/lib/ext,
then you can active it by choosing the "Select Input Method" menu
from the menu that can be pulled down from the top left corner
of the window (the System menu on Windows, Window menu on Solaris),
then choose "NeoeIME" and any locale from the popup menu.
Or you can press a hotkey, see read more

Posted by neo 2005-09-29