
Neverending ODC Client 0.01 released

Neverending ODC is a multiplatform (MMO)RPG project. The goal is to
create the tools, game-engine and content for editing and playing a huge
fantasy world.

This is the first tech-release of the Neverending-ODC engine but it isn't
playable yet. The only thing you can do for now is run around a little
bit. To use the engine, you have to download also the current datapack.

Nonetheless there are a lot of features and interfaces implemented yet:

OpenGL Graphics Engine:
- Terrain-engine with geo-mip-mapping and multitexturing (lightmap)
- Object rendering
- Basic animation support (using the Cal3d library)

Artifical Intelligence:
- Framework to connect an external ai-process to the game engine and
control a person.

Network (the client runs at the moment only in loopback mode):
- Login and user management
- Basic support for sending and receiving actions

There is also a library to easily develop exporters for 3D modeling
programs. Currently working exporters are:
- static mesh exporter for Blender
- static mesh exporter for Maya; this exporter can also save the mesh
and animation-format of the Cal3d library.

Here are some of the partly implemented features, that are currently
- Sound/Music: there is just a frame-work which plays a background music
and sound effects
- Physics: Currently there are only Bounding-Box collisions fully implemented
but a collision detection on convex hulls is on the way
- Game Logic: basic frame work for interactions (for example picking up
objects would work but for more flexibility a script engine will
be implemented)

Posted by Holger Dammertz 2003-03-02

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