
setup problem: Socket Exception

  • bishop

    bishop - 2006-02-01

    I am attempting to set up and run nDumbster. I have successfully compiled nUnit and nDumbster. I am trying to run the preliminary test found on the main nDumbster page. I am running these tests through nUnit. I have attempted to run the tests found in SimpleSmtpServerTests.cs.

    I am receiving this error.
    tests.SimpleSmtpServerTests.SendMessage : System.Net.Sockets.SocketException : Only one usage of each socket address (protocol/network address/port) is normally permitted

    I have attempted to modify the port assignment found in nDumbster.smtp.SimpleSmtpServer. This port assignment is 25 as shipped. I have attempted to change this port to 1024, which is an open port on my system. I realize that no mail server is running on port 1024. I receive back the following error:
    tests.SimpleSmtpServerTests.SendMessagesWithCarriageReturn : System.Web.HttpException : Could not access 'CDO.Message' object.
      ----> System.Reflection.TargetInvocationException : Exception has been thrown by the target of an invocation.
      ----> System.Runtime.InteropServices.COMException : The server rejected one or more recipient addresses. The server response was: 550 5.7.1 Unable to relay for

    I have also attempted to modify tests.SendMessage() so that it directly references a real smtp server. I have also attempted to change the e-mail addresses in tests.SendMessage() to real addresses. These all fail with various errors.

    Does nDumbster contact a "real" smtp server in the process of "sending" mail to memory? Do I need to modify the settings found in the nDumbster source in order to run the preliminary test code provided in the main nDumbster page, found here?

    If so, could someone let me know what modifications I need to make in order to run the test code? If not, could someone provide some general advice for resolving the socket exception problem that I am experiencing?

    I am running Windows XP, and .NET 1.1.

    • Siji Varghese

      Siji Varghese - 2006-04-12

      It Appears that there is a SMTP service running in your machine.

      To Run nDumbster you would need to turn this service off.

      Not more than 1 program can listen on the same port. In this case port 25.


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