
bcm94306, fc3, router CAN see me, no ping

  • JoE

    JoE - 2005-07-19

    Hi, i need help, i compiled and installed ndiswrapper with no errors, i can see the AP, <b>i can connect<b>, wlan0 is active, firewall is down,<b> but no data can pass <b>.
    the only odd thing ive found is "serial8250: too much work for irq10" @ dmesg

    i'm new at linux, i'm loving it and just need this to work to be able to use it.

    thanks for the time.

    • redd77

      redd77 - 2005-07-25

      I'm having the same problem. Using the Broadcom BCM94306 wireless card on Suse 9.2. I'm trying to connect to a public wireless network. The ESSID is correct and I am able to connect to the access point and get an IP address through DHCP. I can ping the access point but nothing beyond that and I can't bring up any webpages. My best guess is that I'm missing something with the DNS or gateway setup. One other thing, I was able to connect to my friend's wireless network and browse the different workstations on it. Again I was unable to get internet access though. Any thoughts? Like the OP I'm a newb but enjoying Linux.


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