
NCss / News: Recent posts

NCss 0.4.1 Release

This is primarily a bug-fix release. From the commit log:

Added version to assembly properties.
Fixed issue where "div.about p" would become "div.aboutp"
Fixed issue where CachedNcssHttpHandler would never clean up temp files
Fixed issue where "property:\t value;" caused parse errors.

Posted by Bob 2011-08-19

NCss 0.4 Release

A complete rewrite of the parser introduces a bunch of new features (and probably some new bugs). NCss now supports limited expressions, the css import declaration, and various other tweaks. This update also has some breaking changes, so be sure to check the Readme file.

Posted by Bob 2011-06-10

Added new data and import directives

Version 0.2 - New directives added

Added syntax for CDATA-like blocks of unprocessed text. Example:

div.crazy_hack {
/* This text will not be processed by the processor. */

Also added new import feature to pull in external files (as long as an
IPathResolver class is available). A default resolver is included for
the included IHttpModules. Several syntaxes are available:

#import "~/path/to/file.ncss"
#import '~/path/to/file.ncss'
#import (~/path/to/fine.ncss)
#import /laziest/syntax/file.ncss... read more

Posted by Bob 2009-11-20