
Restoring shuffling on Lempel-Ziv compression

  • Gary Strand

    Gary Strand - 2015-05-14

    I've noticed an interesting change in behavior between NCO 4.[1-3].N and NCO 4.4.N, in that applying

    'ncks -4 -L 1'

    no longer has shuffling, which results in compressed files that are 8%-10% larger, for example:

    uncompressed : 228391916 b
    compressed_4.1.0 : 131404552 b
    compressed_4.2.0 : 131404552
    compressed_4.2.0 : 131404565
    compressed_4.2.3 : 131404565
    compressed_4.3.2 : 131404871
    compressed_4.3.4 : 131404871
    compressed_4.3.7 : 131404871
    compressed_4.4.2 : 174752905
    compressed_4.4.4 : 174752620

    I didn't see an option to restore the shuffling in the documentation. Do I need reading glasses?

  • Charlie Zender

    Charlie Zender - 2015-05-14

    hi gary,
    if the behavior has changed, it was inadvertent and i'll restore it. please send me the location of the file so i can verify whether current/future NCO works as you wish.

  • Charlie Zender

    Charlie Zender - 2015-05-14

    and you don't need glasses, except perhaps as style accessories. i never added a user-visible switch to toggle shuffling, i'll put that on the TODO list (and turn it on by default unless someone objects).

  • Charlie Zender

    Charlie Zender - 2015-05-15

    Just committed the changes to turn on shuffle by default when manually deflating files. Also tweaked default chunking behavior to be more efficient and faster. Both changes will be in 4.4.9 hopefully by next week. Please try if possible executables in ~zender/bin/LINUXAMD64 to see if they work well for you.

    zender@yslogin5:~/nco$ ncks -O -4 -L 1 ~/ ~/
    zender@yslogin5:~/nco$ ls -l ~/
    -rw-r--r-- 1 zender ncar 130653330 May 14 21:34 /glade/u/home/zender/

    I did not realize how important shuffle was until you wrote this request.
    So thanks again.


    • Gary Strand

      Gary Strand - 2015-05-15

      Much much thanksly, Charlie!

      On Thu, May 14, 2015 at 10:37 PM, Charlie Zender

      Just committed the changes to turn on shuffle by default when manually
      deflating files. Also tweaked default chunking behavior to be more
      efficient and faster. Both changes will be in 4.4.9 hopefully by next week.
      Please try if possible executables in ~zender/bin/LINUXAMD64 to see if they
      work well for you.

      zender@yslogin5:~/nco$ ncks -O -4 -L 1 ~/ ~/
      zender@yslogin5:~/nco$ ls -l ~/
      -rw-r--r-- 1 zender ncar 130653330 May 14 21:34 /glade/u/home/zender/

      I did not realize how important shuffle was until you wrote this request.
      So thanks again.


      Restoring shuffling on Lempel-Ziv compression

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