
NCalculator / News: Recent posts

Thougts about the next release

During the last 3 months I've completly redesigned the architecture of the program. I migrated the code under .NET 2.0 beta 2 and I've written a simple type system for calculations. Now not all numbers are treated as complex numbers. A new release hopefully will be out in Juny.

Posted by Tacskó 2005-05-01

0.40 release

I am currently working on a new parser and more advenced UI, and I haven't got enough time to fixing bugs in the 0.32 version. I am thinking on a Linux port too.
Currently my biggest problem is how can make an extensibe and complex parser. The worst thing in the recent version is, that it only supports the complex datatype. It isn't practical for vectors and matrtices.

Posted by Tacskó 2004-11-07