
Non-blocking servers in Java made easy / News: Recent posts

NBServer enters beta and brings improvements in logging

NBServer beta 1 has improved support for logging:
- NioServer has got the setLog(Log) method for setting a non-default logger.
- It is now possible to log events to a Log4J Category.
Other than that, the overall quality and stability of the alpha4 code release, tested for over a week ensured us that we can re-tag the code as beta.

Posted by Attila Szegedi 2002-02-21

NBServer alpha 4 now available

The NBServer project has released the 4th alpha source release. Since the codebase now passes its own tests, it will soon enter the beta stage. NBServer is a Java 1.4 based framework that takes out the drudgery of writing high-performant, highly-scalable server applications using the new non-blocking I/O facilities of the Java 1.4 platform.

Posted by Attila Szegedi 2002-02-14