
Trouble importing

  • Dylan Bouterse

    Dylan Bouterse - 2004-01-14

    I am having trouble importing my cfg files. I got the site up and running, ran through the setup.php and am now at the main index interface. When I go to Importer, I have the option to import 3 .cfg files. I try nagios.cfg (full path on page is correct), then cgi.cfg and then resource.cfg. I can go to the Online Editing link and it shows my nagios.cfg file, but if I click on the Nagios Cfg link at the top I get no values other than what looks to be default. If I click on Verify, then click the verify button, I get the following error:
    No objects found in database:
    No objects found in database:
    No objects found in database:
    No objects found in database:Exec: /usr/local/nagios/bin/nagios -v /tmp/.nawui/nagios.cfg 2>&1 > /tmp/.nawui/nawui-output.49
    Deleting configuration files:

    Deleting file '/tmp/.nawui/nagios.cfg'...

    Deleting file '/tmp/.nawui/cgi.cfg'...

    Deleting file '/tmp/.nawui/resource.cfg'...

    The path to the nagios binary is correct. I've chown'd permissions on the /tmp/.nawui dir. Any suggestions?

    • Anonymous

      Anonymous - 2004-01-16

      Hi !

      Take a look at your "etc" nagios directory...
      Have you got right permissions on this directory?

      Fred_g (France)

    • Anonymous

      Anonymous - 2004-06-09

      I am a Redhat user and I am getting the same error

      What permissions does the /etc/nagios directory have to have?


    • Larry

      Larry - 2004-07-31

      The problem above has nothing to do with the permissions of the /etc/nagios directory.  I would bet that the *.dat files are being written ok.

      I'm also a Redhat user and I have this same problem.  The problem seems to be that the config files are not written at all.  I am experiencing this exact same problem with Nagat. 

      Both Nagat and Nawui write the *.dat files in the /etc/nagios directory (or /tmp depending on configuration) just fine but when I try to export, verify, etc. the cfg files, NOTHING is written anywhere including the /tmp/.nawui directory.  I also do not see any error output in any log file anywhere.

      Is there something special about the way write those files out?  Could this be a php.ini problem?

      I'm at a loss and I need this to work.  I have hundreds of nodes I'm monitoring with more being added weekly and I'm starting to run out of hair to pull out.  ;-)

      Here is what I'm running:

      Redhat 9.0 (2.4.20-8)
      PHP 4.2.2
      Apache 2.0.40


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