Anonymous - 2013-04-23

Try to install navit on a HTC/wince device.

After some tweaks I get the map display with downloaded osm cards, can set bookmarks and change the map display using them. But with selecting a country (like France/Frankreich) and entering a city name navit crashes.
The log gives:

10218.356332|gui_internal:image_new_scaled:Failed to load image for 'country_FR' (w=32, h=32)

directly before the crash.
The wince installation has no country_XX_32_32.png! So I added them to /navit/xpm from navit-0.2.0.tar.gz I also set

<gui type="internal" enabled="yes" font_size="200" icon_xs="32" icon_s="32">

No success .. but same result .. crashing!?
Here  is the navilt.xml I'm using .. for sure there are other problems (like not getting the gps signal) but first I need to solve the city selection!

Any recommandation?