
#178 Link to jump back to Summary

HTML (16)

Can we have added a link to jump back to summary, currently I can click element in summary and then scroll back:) I would like to have a "top" or "back" kind of link


  • Greg Valure

    Greg Valure - 2009-11-03

    Couldn't you use the Home key on your keyboard? That brings you to the top of the page in IE and Firefox, and unless you have a long description on the first element that's where the summary is. I don't see "back to top" links on web sites much anymore.

  • Lukasz 'Severiaan' Grela

    I don't agree, there are many people that didn't know about the shortcut, and it is a matter of usability not tendency, I would find this feature very usefull, and I think that it should be fairly simple to implement, isn't it?

  • Ferdinand Prantl

    I want to get back to a previous topic more often than to top of the page. I use the "back" feature of the browser. I would not insist on the "back to top" link; I'm fine with an occasional scrolling or the home button. However, the link would be quicker. The implementation may be easy, severiaan; you could have a look at the code.

    --- Ferda


    Last edit: Ferdinand Prantl 2013-05-30

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