
Is development still active

  • PatriotBob

    PatriotBob - 2012-08-13

    I'm considering using NaturalDocs for our code at my work. And there are a few
    changes that I would like to make to the project to make it a bit cleaner.
    (Namely the html generation)

    But I don't see a commit to this repository for the past year. Is it still
    active? It's not in any project's best interest to split development, so if
    this is still the spot to push code changes, great. I just would like to know
    before I fork it to bit-bucket to make my changes public in the case that
    development has stalled here at sourceforge.

  • Greg Valure

    Greg Valure - 2012-08-13

    The Perl codebase isn't in active development anymore, though there will
    probably be another minor release in the future, mostly for bugfixes. If you'd
    like your changes to be part of that please post them here. If you'd like to
    fork the project here or somewhere else you're free to do so, but please
    choose a different name to avoid confusion.

    The C# codebase (Natural Docs 2.x) is in active development but hasn't been
    publicly released yet. When it is it will most likely be on github.

  • PatriotBob

    PatriotBob - 2012-08-13

    I'm not quite zealous enough to fork a project, that the maintainer is still
    developing, just for the sake of fixing some improperly formatted html.

    I'm going to assume that your actively testing this with Mono? The ability to
    generate docs from *nix is kinda crucial.

    Thanks for the very prompt reply.

  • Greg Valure

    Greg Valure - 2012-08-13

    Yes. It's designed to be cross platform so it only uses features that are
    supported in both places and handles things like the different path formats

  • PatriotBob

    PatriotBob - 2012-08-13

    Sounds good.

    Looking forward to watch you've done with the project. Well, aside from using
    git, I'm more of a hg guy myself. :P

  • Johannes Kilian

    Johannes Kilian - 2013-04-17

    Hi Greg,

    any news on NaturalDocs 2.0?

  • Greg Valure

    Greg Valure - 2013-04-17

    The engine and CLI version are just about done, just have Javadoc and search left. However, I have something new I want to build on top of the engine too.

    I have to say, looking at the old-style generated documentation is kind of painful for me now :)

  • rwstoneback

    rwstoneback - 2013-11-03

    Could we get an update on this? Loving NaturalDocs, but your last comment "looking at the old-style generated documentation is kind of painful for me now" is intriguing to say the least!

  • rwstoneback

    rwstoneback - 2013-12-13

    I think its time to go back to the original question again. Is development on this project still active?

  • Greg Valure

    Greg Valure - 2013-12-13

    Yes. CLI version is done. Right now I'm on the "building something new on top of it" phase. I'd prefer to have them released together but I could potentially change my mind on that in the future.

  • rwstoneback

    rwstoneback - 2014-01-24

    that is awesome news! I'd love to get my hands on the new CLI version that you have finished. So here's my official vote that you release them separately :)

  • ljepson74

    ljepson74 - 2015-01-29

    A few questions:

    1) How is 2.0 development coming along? Is there much progress?

    2) The following simply means that the codebase is moving from perl to C#, however, functionality will be similar. Is that correct?
    "The C# codebase (Natural Docs 2.x) is in active development but hasn't been
    publicly released yet."

    3) How much would it cost for full language support for SystemVerilog? When could it be delivered?

  • dewt

    dewt - 2015-02-01

    Hi Greg,
    first off - thanks for everything so far. To me NaturalDocs is by far and away the best there is. I know that this is an essentially unpaid project and has therefore to come after paying jobs, family and life in general but I was wondering if you had any idea of possible timescale for V2.0?

    Once again, many thanks and good luck in the future
    Dave T

  • rwstoneback

    rwstoneback - 2015-04-24

    Greg - at one point you mentioned you were done with the command line version of the new Natural Docs, but it has been a year and a half since then and we haven't seen any updates. Do you have an ETA on the new version?

    We are hoping to stick with NaturalDocs at my company, but seeing the last version being posted 4 years ago is making people want to switch to Doxygen (boo).

  • SonnyJim66

    SonnyJim66 - 2016-07-19

    Just wondering if there is any further news on the 2.0 version?

  • Greg Valure

    Greg Valure - 2016-07-19

    Sadly, I haven't been able to work on it at all for several months now. Actually, looking at the date on that post is scary, I hadn't realized it had been quite that long. I do want to start working on it again but I can't make promises as to when because there's some other things in my life that I have to take care of first.

  • Greg Valure

    Greg Valure - 2017-08-15

    Natural Docs 2.0 has been released! Go download it at the web site. There's plenty of information there on what's changed and how to use it.


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