
#124 preprocessor inserts bogus ":" in expand_mmacro()


Try this:

%macro mmac 0

db mmac ; causes "expression syntax error"
; -- or --
$db mmac ; fails to trigger "orphan-labels"

The problem is that preproc.c's expand_mmacro()
function inserts a ":" token after the "db". As
a result we get:

db: ; ":" is not a valid argument to "db"
; -- or --
$db: ; with the trailing ":", it's no orphan

The fix is to only insert the ":" token, if the
type of the "label" token is not TOK_WHITESPACE.

diff -u preproc.c.0.98.38
--- preproc.c.0.98.38
@@ -4040,7 +4040,8 @@
while (label->next)
label = label->next;
- label->next = tt = new_Token(NULL,
TOK_OTHER, ":", 0);
+ if ( label->type != TOK_WHITESPACE )
+ label->next = tt = new_Token(NULL,
TOK_OTHER, ":", 0);

With that we get:

db ; no operand for data declaration -- good!
; -- or --
$db ; orphan label -- good!

The other "testcases" seem to remain unaffected,
just as desired:


;db mmac ; differs as mentioned
;db :mmac
;db : mmac

;db 1,mmac
;db :1,mmac
;db : 1,mmac


;$db mmac ; differs as mentioned
;$db :mmac
;$db : mmac

;$db 1,mmac
;$db :1,mmac
;$db : 1,mmac


  • Nickolay Yurchenko

    Logged In: YES

    As I understand, you ask not to add missing colon to a label
    (or something looking like a label) standing before macro in
    macro call?

  • nasm64developer

    nasm64developer - 2003-09-21

    Logged In: YES

    Only in the case where it would be wrong to do so.

    Try the examples I gave.

    Also, try them with "db" replaced by e.g. "label".

  • Nickolay Yurchenko

    Logged In: YES

    I think, 'db mmac' is wrong itself.

    It may be useful only if you use %00 (or %:)
    %macro mmac 0
    %: 10
    db mmac ; db 10
    Or if you use my feature:
    %macro mmac 0
    %return 10
    db %invoke(mmac) ; db 10

    Anyway, I think, preprocessor should not know internal
    assembler logic (of course, base syntax should be compatible)
    . In this case it should not bother about db, resb and so on.
    That's enough if user know about it. There only should be
    possibility to overload assembler syntax.

  • nasm64developer

    nasm64developer - 2003-09-21

    Logged In: YES

    The change mentioned in this SF report fixes two cases.

    First, in case of "db mmac" the preprocessor inserted a
    colon after the db. As a result the evaluator produced
    an "invalid expression syntax" error if the conditional
    operator wasn't supported, or a "missing '?'" error if
    the conditional operator was supported.

    The expected behavior in the "db mmac" case would be to
    not insert the colon. That way db would complain about
    a missing operand, since mmac expands to nothing.

    Second, in case of "$db mmac" the preprocessor inserted
    a colon after $db. As a result, the parser failed to ge-
    nerate an "orphan label" warning.

    The expected behavior in the "$db mmac" case would be to
    not insert a colon. That way $db would emit its "orphan
    label" warning, since mmac expands to nothing.

    All other scenarios (see my testcases) remain unchanged.

    Whether "db mmac" or "$db mmac" makes sense or not, is a
    different matter. The important thing is that NASM pro-
    duces the proper error message. Which it didn't.

    Btw, without the change mentioned in the SF report, the
    preprocessor sufferes from a memory leak, because of the
    wrongly inserted colon.

    (I only found this problem after wondering about those
    odd error messages from the evaluator, and tracing some
    memory leaks in the preprocessor. ;-)

  • nasm64developer

    nasm64developer - 2003-09-26
    • priority: 5 --> 1
    • status: open --> open-works-for-me

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