
NagVis 1.7b3 released

NagVis 1.7b3 comes with a lot of bugfixes in frontend and core. We have tested the most important features with Internet Explorer 8 and 9 and fixed several bugs in the frontends javascript code.

This version includes a feature change which affects all iconsets. It is now possible to display the major states (CRIT, WARN, ...) when the states are acknowledged or in downtime by having different icons for each case. Just take a look at the documentation for the needed filenames when you use your own iconset.

Frontend events can now be fired on map loading and also be repeated for the time problems exist in the frontend. Thanks to Rancard Solutions for these features!

For a detailed view on the changes in NagVis 1.7b3 have a look at the changelog (

You may download NagVis 1.7b3 from the download-page (

Posted by LaMi 2012-07-22

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