
NagVis 1.5 stable released

We are proud to announce the new stable release 1.5 of NagVis. The new release is a big step to make NagVis faster and easier to use.

There are many changes compared to the last stable release 1.4.7. The most important of them are:

The MKLivestatus backend is the default backend now. You don't need a relational database like MySQL and the NDO anymore. This gives NagVis a big performance gain and makes the Nagios+NagVis easier to use and maintain. You simply need to extend your Nagios installation with the MKLivestatus NEB module.

The layout of NagVis has been reworked. We spent some time making the default frontend and the WUI easier to use.

Each user can choose an individual language from the available ones. There is some sort of language auto-detection included now.

We introduced a feature called weathermap lines. Using the weathermap lines you can visualize e.g. the network load of a wide are network connection using a line which is colored depending on the current load using more than the typical OK/WARNING/CRITICAL colors.

The base NagVis directory is not below nagios/share anymore. NagVis uses an own base directory now.

The authentication/autorization mechanism have been recoded. NagVis uses an internal SQLite database for storing user credentials and permissions.
The default authentication mechanism is to use a HTML based logon form. It is still possible to use a basic authentication or similar.
We use a role based permission concept where every user can have several roles and the users permissions are built from the summary of the roles permissions.

Multiple automaps are possible now. It is possible to store automap views by using automap configuration files. Context menus and automap-to-automap links can be used on the automaps. Additional to the child trees the automaps support parent trees now. The automap supports a "problem automap" mode which hides all child/parent branches which have no problem in it.

Look-n-feel of the WUI has been reworked with a new design and a new navigation using the NagVis header menu. The WUI has an optional grid to help positioning objects on the map. It is now easy to clone regular objects.

The NagVis Installer supports a transparent update from NagVis 1.4x to 1.5x. It should migrate all your custom files during the upgrade. The Installer removes deprecated options from your map configuration files during upgrade (if told to do so).

All in all we improved the performance by some internal redesigns and redesign of the backend interface. During this step we had to drop the merlin backend temporally - but it will be included again once we get the new version finished.

These are only the most important changes to NagVis. You can find a detailed technical view on the latests changes in the changelogs (

You can download NagVis 1.5 via the download-page (

Have fun using NagVis 1.5 and please report any problems and bugs.

Posted by LaMi 2010-06-15

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