
Editting NagiosGraph HTML

  • Felipe Rodopoulos

    Hello everyone,

    I've installed and configured NagiosGraph with success and it's great! Although, I was requested to modify the layout of the graph's pages (showgroup.cgi, show.cgi, etc). I could do some stuff with CSS, but there are some minnor issues that I'll need to edit the HTML.

    I barely know Perl and cgi, so I really have no idea how the HTML files are generated. To be specific in one example: in showgroup.cgi, you have the graph and the anchor to the details of a service. The problem is: the anchor is below the graph and I need it to be above it. That's one of several issues. I'd like to put more containers in the page, etc.

    So, can anyone give me a little help? I guess, if someone help me with the first issue, I can figure out the rest.

    Thanks in advice!

  • Alan Brenner

    Alan Brenner - 2014-09-13

    In, the printgraphlinks function generates a div containing the image and details beginning at line 2564. Swap the order of the two nested divs.


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