
0.7.0 finally released !

This release got NUMEROUS improvements since the 0.6 release:
- 100% template based for easy translation,
- web based installer,
- email notifications,
- 'anti-spam' hits counter,
- WebSecretary generation script (in php for the server, and in perl for the client), to keep track of updated pages,
- on the fly text to image substitution,
- speed improvements,
- database table prefix support,
- updated links meta category,
- and much more options in config.php3 !

Major changes were made to the template system. Read the UPGRADE file if your want to update your 0.6 based working web site.

too see most of the features in action, visit:


Ludovic Drolez.

Posted by Ludovic Drolez 2002-05-05

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