
Question: What port I have to open?

  • Fujii Yuuji

    Fujii Yuuji - 2002-02-27

    I cannot share my file by Myster.
    Could you tell me, what port I have to open for shareing my files?

    • AdderTheBlack

      AdderTheBlack - 2002-02-27

      port 6669

      • Fujii Yuuji

        Fujii Yuuji - 2002-02-28


    • Anonymous

      Anonymous - 2003-03-17

      I also have the same problem but I don't know how to find where to open the port? I also don't have a help menu. Does it not appear on this version? Please help.

      • AdderTheBlack

        AdderTheBlack - 2003-03-17

        Help menu.. Humm there's an idea.

        There are extensive online docs here: click on "docs"

        As for opening the port:

        People have reported getting the "open port 6669" message if they are behind a NAT (like airport), on a crudy internet service provider like AOL on a network that blocks port 6669 or in any other situation where running a TCP server on port 6669 is not possible..

    • Anonymous

      Anonymous - 2003-05-11

      Hi, Using mac os 10.2.6, myster pr 6 on adsl via netgear dg814  router, os x firewall is on but I have port 6669 checked open. Problem is I keep getting the firewall message when attempting download from some servers, some download okay. I've tried turning the os x firewall off but it did not work. I don't think the router has a firewall.

      Any hints would be welcome.


      • AdderTheBlack

        AdderTheBlack - 2003-05-14

        At a guess your modem / router is using a NAT. Running a firewall is probably redundent since no one from the outside will be able to make a tcp connection to you while you're on a NAT.

        The reasone some servers will allow you to download and some don't is because some servers allow people that aren't reachable to download and some insist that the persone's computer be accessable on the network. The theory being that people behind NATs cannot share files so what's the point in allowing them to download.

        Since it's your modem / router that's proably putting up the NAT removing it will probably make the NAT go away. There might also be a way of convincing the modem / router to dispence with the NAT and just function as a straight - through switch; allowing you to connect directly. It's different with every configuration.

        NATs are evil and incidious. They don't affect you if you're doing simple web browsing but they do make things more difficult for other things.

        If you're using a p2p app it's a good idea to be outside of a NAT with a public ip. By doing so, more files become available. If you are behind a NAT, about 1/2 the files on the network, for any p2p client not just Myster, are not accessable to you.

        If you're behind a NAT you can't make your computer into a web server. Nor can you make it into an appleshare server. You can't run an FTP server or make your computer accessable for remote login. You can't use FTP in active mode either. Manufactures sell these router / modem things saying that you connect a whole bunch of computer up to them with no problems. Share one internet connection! They don't mention that it will quietly cut you off from half the p2p servers or stop you from using nice little built in features like personal web sharing. AGH! Death to NATs!...

    • Anonymous

      Anonymous - 2003-05-14

      Thanks Andrew you were exactly right, the good news is that I can disable NAT in my router setup. I had not heard of this before. I will have to see how that affects other computers on my home network. The internet is shared amongst the other computers here. Would I be right in assuming that the internet could be only used by one computer at a time if I disable the NAT.

      Thanks again


      • AdderTheBlack

        AdderTheBlack - 2003-05-15

        That would depend on a whole series of things. Some modems will not complain if you attempt to hook up two or more computers to the internet other modems will. Some ISPs will try to block it, other won't. Some ISP will make a big fuss about it, others won't. Try it and see how it goes.


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