
MySQL-Sync / News: Recent posts

more than 1000 Downloads

Hi guys,
now there are more than 1000 downloads. I am very proud about that. Thank you alot for supporting this project and doing this much downloads.
Therefor I'll keep on programming and improving this software.

Sweet Regards


Posted by Maximilian Voss 2005-01-04

New Releases (MainAPI, Console, Linux-GUI)

Hi there,
sorry for taking so long to release this one. But there had been to less time and I had a hard motorcycle accident.
But finally I had been able to do it. I fixed several bugs.

MainAPI state 1.0.7
Console state 1.0.2
Linux-GTK2-GUI 1.0.5

I hope you'll have alot fun with it.

So long..


Posted by Maximilian Voss 2004-11-03

Official Webpage back again

Sorry guys, there had been to few time to code around Mysql-Sync, because there had been a lot of work to do.
Finally there is my Webserver back up again and I hope, it'll stay.

MySQL-Sync is still in work. I hope I'll get proud of releasing the next versions bug-free soon.


Posted by Maximilian Voss 2004-07-24

Mailing List opened

I've opend a Mailing List for all who would like to help develop MySQL-Sync.
Common develop questions on MySQL-Sync and its libraries and PlugIns are welcome.

MySQL-Sync in stage alpha 1.0.7 will be soon released. Handling different dBase-Systems by PlugIns will be the main target of this release.


Posted by Maximilian Voss 2004-06-24

HowTo released

I had a lot of time and almost nothing to do, so I wrote a little HowTo about writing frontends for MySQL-Sync. I hope somebody is reading it and later he's trying to write a frontend. - Would be nice.


Posted by Maximilian Voss 2004-05-22

Incredible Error found (BUG)

two days after the Version 1.0.6 of MySQL-Sync was published, I've found a fatal error inside the source.
In file dbase.c on line 19

if(MySQL_Connections == 0)

has to be changed to

if(*MySQL_Connections == 0)

This error of coding effects only Win-Binaries. It doesn't matter to Linux. For all who don't know much about hacking. The published source means: If the Pointer-Adress is 0. But it should be: If the Pointer-Value at the Adress is 0.
If you'd like to work with Version 1.0.6 you should change and recompile it.
In V1.0.7 the error will be eleminated, but only therefor a release is stupid.... read more

Posted by Maximilian Voss 2004-05-17

New Releases

Nearby a day past and some new versions of MySQL-Sync and Plugins released.
These releases aren't releases of new invents, they're only bug-fixes and small changes.
Read the Changes for more details.

Posted by Maximilian Voss 2004-05-13

New frontend for Win32 & Linux, MySQL-Sync 1.0.5 Released

there is a hard coded month behind me.
I've designed and scripted an almost fine working frontend for
Win32 and Linux. It's quite the simplest type of frontend, a shell.
It works fine on Win32-boxes and Linux-boxes. I've tested it.
Well most of the problems on frontends are the graphicals and
the dynamic creation of forms.
This frontend supports an undefined amount of MySQL-Connections.
You've just to define it in the source (default: 2).
Just check it out for more Information.... read more

Posted by Maximilian Voss 2004-05-12

New Releases

there have been a lot of releases done now.

Main-API 1.0.4
Linux-GUI 1.03
Win-GUI 1.0.2

Not everything is perfect in these releases but I'll do hard work to make it better.


Posted by Maximilian Voss 2004-04-08

Official Homepage down

my personal webserver died by heat. It was running for more than 3 years non-stop. But 2 days ago it hung up and won't restart for serveral days. First I've to get some new computer-parts and get it work.



Posted by Maximilian Voss 2004-03-20

MySQL - Sync 1.0.3 & WinGUI 1.0.1 & LinuxGUI 1.0.2

MySQL-Sync: I've fixed some bugs in GetValues and made some add ons.
WinGUI: I've fixed some bugs, added the contextmenu and implemented the functions create dBase and getvalues.
LinuxGUI: changes in MySQL-Sync made the update necessary. I've found and fixed some bugs too.

Posted by Maximilian Voss 2004-03-09

MySQL-Sync 1.0.2 Released - Complete Win32-Support

It took me a lot of time to learn Delphi in highspeed.
I developed the first Win32-GUI and changed alot of the MySQL-Sync Main-API to get it started.
Now you can enjoy a stable Win32 front-end. Within the changes of MySQL-Sync Main-API I had to change alot in the Linux-GUI too. Later, there will be a undefined amount of MySQL-Connections available, because the Main-API does support it now.

Just download the Win32-Binary and the Binary of the GUI. Store it in the same folder and have phun.

Posted by Maximilian Voss 2004-02-29

MySQL-Sync alpha 1.0.1 Released - Win32 support added

I had been able to get the source compiled on a Win32 box with VC++. The GUI is plugable and will be written in Delphi the next time.
So only the main-prog is running, without a GUI ;)

I hope, some people will enjoy this inovation of this release

Posted by Maximilian Voss 2004-02-15

MySQL-Sync alpha 1.0.0 Released

After hard coding, the latest MySQL-Sync release is now done.
But the Webplugin is not available yet, because I got to much Seg. faults.
But I've seperated the GUI from the Main-Project to make it possible to build different front-ends for the API. And later, if possible I will get the API working on Win32 boxes.

Posted by Maximilian Voss 2004-02-13

It will take some time

Hi guys,

I tried to get the first alpha stable with the new webplugin, but I hadn't been able to do it.
Two weeks full of coding, but all I get is a segmentation fault by an other.
Well the main reason of the problem is that I've done to much with pointers and that makes the software alot of unstable.
If I've rewritten the shared libary, the release will come.

BTW: I think about making the gui plugable. So there is the possibility to compile MySQL-Sync on a Windows-System and use a windows-gui compiled in a dll. For the QT guys can be a QT-GUI written to.

Posted by Maximilian Voss 2004-02-02

MySQL - Pre-Alpha-4 Released

Alpha is coming!
This is the latest Pre-Alpha-Release, because all main functions had been added.
The coming alpha-releases will have the first pre-alpha of the PERL-Plugin implemented. And all bugs which could be found will be erased. The source will be checked, cleaned and shortet too.



Posted by Maximilian Voss 2004-01-15

Expansion of the project

I've found a little bug in quoates, because it isn't a real bug.

Many webhosts doesn't allow a MySQL-Connection from any host. They just allow a connetion from localhost or the localhostname.

To solve this problem I think about writting a CGI-Script in PERL which task is to build a bridge between MySQL-Sync and the MySQL-dBase on the webhost.
The first testings have been done the last 2 hours. And I guess, I can make it.... read more

Posted by Maximilian Voss 2004-01-13

MySQL-Sync pre-alpha-3 released

I've fixed some bugs and added the function of adding tables to dbases.
I can't say that this function is quiet stable, because I've not done alot of tasting. But it's able to create a common simple table.

Happy Testing...


Posted by Maximilian Voss 2004-01-12

MySQL - Sync pre-alpha-2 Released

I've finished the pre-alpha-2 yet.
There aren't added special features to the software. Mainly the source had been fixed, shorted and pointed to the future.

Posted by Maximilian Voss 2004-01-06

Official Homepage

The official MySQL-Sync Webpage can be now found under

Posted by Maximilian Voss 2004-01-06