
MyHeadlines / News: Recent posts

MyHeadlines v4.2.8

ALL of the "for pay features" are now FREE!!! No more RCH error messages. Grab your download here:


Posted by Mike Agar 2004-04-24

MyHeadlines v4.2.6

Where to begin? This is the first MyHeadlines release that has been managed using the Source Forge CVS repository. The feature set for this release can be found at so I won't go over that here.

What I will address is the Source Forge related updates to the project. First off I have changed my mind and made the CVS repository viewable to the public via the HTML interface. Second I have decided to include the CMS Abstraction layers in the CVS tree too! This decision is due to a change in my release procedure. I have constructed an automated release script called Mr_Build. This allows me to checkout, tag, export, assemble and zip the 8 target release architectures in less than 1 minute. Pretty nifty. All based on the CVS tree here at Source Forge. So there it is. My first release from Source Forge, and I kinda like it!!!

Posted by Mike Agar 2003-12-29

MyHeadlines Open Source Charter v1.0.0

Now that the project has been openned up for other developers to contribute to the code base I have drafted the following project charter to define the "rules of engagement".

As this is a new thing and I haven't really thought about all of the various interactions you and I will have as we develop this code base, here are a couple guidelines as to how I see things working:

1) I reserve veto powers to remove, edit, deny, etc. any developer or code contributed by any developer. My decisions are final, I will try to be fair and objective, and will listen to all sides before exercising any veto.... read more

Posted by Mike Agar 2003-11-01

MyHeadlines Opens Up A CVS Repository

Well, I am bending to the public will and making the development process a little more open. I am now accepting applications for membership into the MyHeadlines development team.

Mike Agar

Posted by Mike Agar 2003-10-29